Ban The Gold Buyers

That’s one way.

That’s not how any of this works.

All reducing the scale of gold sinks does is increase inflation. It doesn’t eliminate the need for gold. It’ll just make the cost of everything people DO buy and sell on the AH skyrocket, in addition to the cost of all services/Gkpd’s etc. What it won’t do is impact RMT botting at all.

The solution is really simple. They suspend/ban buyers. If people are afraid they’ll actually catch a 2+ week ban for buying, they’re much less likely to do so. And if people aren’t buying, the bots don’t have a market.

Ironically… even though the damage to the game has been done with the token, I could actually see them going after 3rd party buyers a lot more now. Maybe aggressively hit everyone with a low duration ban to let them know you mean business and then scale it up to scare them away from the competition and towards Blizzard’s token.


Again you didn’t read the whole thing and fired off a response that made you look silly.

Might want to actually read the solution because it affect exactly what you said in detail.

It’s a shift in design philosophy on the raid scene not just the current gold sinks.

Your “solution” is silly lol. And none of it is new or novel.

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They don’t need to be novel, they need to be timed right. At the launch of next Fresh/SoM2.

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