Ban gold buyers

This would actually be a really fun Kaggle competition. Put out a dataset of all gold transactions within a realm over a certain period of time. Have people build machine learning models to classify gold farmers. There are definitely going to be transfer patterns specific to farmers.

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Then they get banned too. If one employee looks at the spreadsheets of gold transfer from accounts made, they would catch a lot of botters/buyers quickly and that would be the best deterrent. Nuclear option, at this point, it should have been done. Cheaters should never prosper.

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It’s not as simple to say “they would get banned too”. It’s clear that banning everyone that buys/sells gold is an astronomical task and is more complex than you think. People will always get away with buying and selling gold.

I think their approach is geared towards culling botting and exploits so that less gold is available to rapidly farm and sell at extremely low prices. Unfortunately, this is hitting normal players too but only a minority (30 instance limit). If gold prices go up, it would be prohibitive enough that there would be less buyers overall…and less gold available at the same prices which means overall lower impact to the economy.

Perma banning buyers without getting to the root cause is pointless. They need to get to the source. I believe they think they can implement measured to cause the real world value of gold to go up, but i have serious doubts with their approach so far.

Also…again - warnings and temp bans can go a long way for buyers.

Not saying it would solve every problem. However, banning the buyer would also prevent them from wanting to purchase more gold. 40 dollars for a new account adds up rather quickly when banned often enough. Also, warnings may work, but my stance is, if you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime.

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yep, banning gold buyers should be way easier than banwaving legions of bots. the botters wont care and boost another 100 fresh bots to have them 1-60 in a week. but the gold buyer most likely will.

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They already ban gold buyers…

well it seems that they only ban like 5% of them after months from what i am reading
and most of them only get a warning and thats it.

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Yeah, see Imonalott’s post above:

How do you ban accounts just based on receiving gold? This is why we have reports of people trading gold between their own accounts and getting banned.

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I think they only do it for very large amounts. I heard of a guy getting a 3 day ban for receiving 900 gold. No idea the details, but I’m going to assume it wasn’t the same account and it wasn’t part of a trade involving an item.

This is exactly why they introduced tokens. Instead of buying gold from illegal bots/gold sellers you buy it from blizz. People who want to buy gold will find a way to do so regardless, they always have.

Ban GDKP runs is also a very important thing.
There’s boost service, so u can’t find any 5 man when u leveling.
There’s 20g gear from ZG, so you can’t find any 5 man for fresh 60s.
We just buy boost with gold to lvl 60? Then buy gold to buy gear from MC,BWL?
No wonder why so many bots here. They don’t even play the game.

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Everyone knows GDKP runs by Chinese bots/gold sellers. Why not ban them?

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They already do that.

I transferred 9k to another’s account a few weeks ago, no ban yet (guild bank was being reformed). Granted the toon was in the same guild, but not more then a day or two as a lvl1. I’m guessing a whole lot more goes on when they investigate then what some people seem to think. It’d be pretty bad press if they started getting too many false positives (keep in mind that in many cases a entire guild is going to believe the player over blizz.)

Blizzard should ban those Chinese GDKP raid leaders which are also gold sellers, they usually mail the gold. Just ban them after raid, they either pay out the gold they farmed or lose the trust to raiders who bought the gold lol…

What if a guild member gives gold to a fellow guild member. Would they be banned?

That’s completely diff actions dude.
A player who receives 50k gold per day from different players, then send them out to 39 diff players.
Is this the same as you give gold to guild members? How much you give your guildie? 50k gold??? Then they are doing RMT.

Have you ever heard “Anti money laundering investigation”?
Is this the same pattern as you receive money from your parents?

I was going to bring up the gold gifting.
I have unsubscribed my accounts due to the new limits.

So far on this forum alone, I’ve had 10+ people ask for my gold as I’m leaving.
I’ve had 15 players in game ask for my gold too.

The problem is, how much gold can you gift? how would blizzard know the difference between gifted and gold buying. If I was to do a random lottery and send the gold to players, would that get them banned?

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Has anyone thought that gold buying is driven by the ppl who can’t spend 12 hours a day farming or boosting? The gold being printed is absolutely insane right now inflating the economy. 100g today is nothing like 100g in the first few weeks of release.