Balance/Resto Druid LF raiding guild

Hey Kitty,

[H] Area-52 Guild 7/10 Heroic is currently recruiting players to push into Mythic content and for CE.

Our guild currently consists of older gamers (25-30+) and is looking to expand our gaming community with talented and skilled players who want to down the content without the drama, egos, or toxicity. Most of us have been raiding together for 4+ years.

We are currently 7/10 Heroic and 10/10 Normal in Nathria and will be pushing AOTC soon. This will begin our mythic raiding.

We currently raid from 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 AM EST

We are currently recruiting any of the following classes/specs:

-Arms DPS Warrior
-Mages (Fire / Arcane)
-Shadow Priests

Disclaimer - We do not have any tank or healing positions open at this time

If you are interested in raiding with us, or want more information please message Axial #1159.

Thank you for your time!

Bump just to reiterate I dont get home until 10:45EST/9:45CST/7:45PST so kindly no raids before.

Weekend bump still looking

To the top

Still looking warcraft friends.

Lets have a talk.

Sup dude!

Not sure how set in stone your schedule is, figure I’ll drop a link and see if it works for you.

[A][US][Dragonmaw] 7/10 H Raiding Guild

We are looking for Strong Raiders to round out our 20 Man group for final prog into Mythic.

Our raid schedule:

Sat/Sun 9pm to 12am est.

If interested or for more information feel free to contact me over Discord

Hey! We’re looking for a boomy for our main roster, AOTC goal with casual mythic prog after, please check us out and hit me up on Discord if interested; Slime#6677