Balance tanks and make dual spec

if only they had something already made where they could look at it as a quick example of how to fix paladins COUGH TBC

oh you mean where they made them brokenly op?
and that does nothing by the way for the need for gear.
and it also is a post vanilla change. which is decidedly not vanilla.

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i don’t care about the gear or any abilities the only thing they need to add for me to go for a serious paladin raid tank is a single taunt. you can’t tank endgame without a taunt. if nothing else why gear up a tank if he can’t even help with 4horsemen when it req 8 tanks

why change classic from classic?
there is a simple answer. you should start advocating for classic + servers for changes like these.

Blizzard did say no.

it wasen’t paladins not having a taunt or druids being bad at everything in raids or hybrids being bad at dps that made vanilla enjoyable.

And horde get two tanks, Shammys could off tank in vanilla raids. It was done.

maybe not, but the fact is that the goal is AUTHENTIC.
furthermore, not even you guys who are fans of balance can agree with each other on how much balancing.
furthermore, how do you account for the fact that horde has 2 tanks to the alliance 3?
furthermore, you would have to add loot to the game that did not exist, as if loot tables weren’t bloated enough as is.
furthermore, you are talking about adding post vanilla mechanics to the game.
furthermore, you then open the door for the “BUT MY ONE CHANGE CROWD”. scratch that. you don’t open the door, you slam it open.

maybe thats your goal. i’m fine with anything as long as ihave talents again and theres no LFR LFG or crossrealm of any kind. thats all i need

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Paladins were beast at 5 man dungeons. Druids were used in both 5 mans and Raids. Warriors were used everywhere. Remember folks, when everything is the same nothing is unique. Vanilla is pure because it isn’t tarnished by balancing / player requests. This is the game that Blizzard had envisioned. The current iteration of WoW is the result of people wanting changes.

vanilla is not what the dev’s invisioned they ran out of time and had to put it out as it was. remember placeholder tier2??? dev’s have already said they failed with hybrids and wanted to do so much more with the game than they did.

Everyone will try Classic. Most that play Classic and have never played vanilla, will hate it. There will be millions who come back to Wow Classic.
Do you think Blizzard will keep the select few happy or try to make some small tweaks so most of those people continue to play Classic for years to come? They want you to level all classes, raid with all classes, and pvp with all classes.
We all know the answer, I feel you just don’t want to admit it to yourself.
WOW Classic will never be what we all left behind all those years ago. Trust me, I want it back too, but its about the money.
WOW was very important to me back then. I have a wife, 2 sons, and a full time job and during that period I played at least 40 hours a week. Maybe more. I dreamt Wow. I read Wow. I watched Wow. I lived Wow all of the time.
I made friends that I still talk to and see to this day, my son is now 19 and plays whatever expansion is out now, they try to get me to come back everyday. but I wont do it. Now for Classic I will and I will hope that the few changes they do make will better the game.
Blizzard has gone out of their way to make this game easier for all the people who I know would hate Wow vanilla. My son was only 10 or 11 when we raided in Wrath and he was better than most adults. They made it that easy.
The vanilla we left behind isn’t coming back. I wish it was, but its not.
Blizzard has the opportunity to make a lot of serious money from gamers coming back. They won’t care about the select few that want them to hold true to an idea of how things used to be.
I was trolling on my last post to make haters hate, but I’m being serious now.
WOW Classic will never be exactly what we played all those years ago. TBH some things needed to be fixed way before BC.
If you doubt me thats fine. If you say no then that’s fine. But when has Blizzard not broke something that didnt need to be fixed? Every patch and hotfix always leads to someone spamming these forums asking, “Why Blizzard? Why did you even mess with it?”.
There is no better game than Wow, but Wow eats itself up from the inside. It’s like a kid that is never happy with themselves. They can’t leave what is good alone.
Each expansion changes every way that you play the game not just by some small amount, but they do a complete overhaul on every aspect of the game. That’s why a lot of people just stopped playing.
See, I can already tell you what will happen.
I will level a toon. I will raid with a toon. I will gear a toon. Then there will be a patch or hotfix and my toon that I spent years on, will be broken and never be the same again.
Well when that is a prot warrior in Classic Wow, we don’t have any other viable tanks to replace them with because a handfull of people want to have the opinion that Wow Classic is being brought back just for them.
Your 15 bucks is a drop in the bucket and Blizzard won’t care when you stop playing because 30 or 40 people that are happy with the changes will take your place. That will happen because tanks and healers will have to be balanced. That’s got nothing to do with “No! Don’t nobody touch my vanilla.”
It has to do with the money.
There will be balancing before raids come out. They have plenty of ways to make this happen. It will happen.

Except blizzard has already said multiple times they aren’t changing stuff.

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Blizzard has never said they were not doing something then done it right?

They have. And everyone is apprehensive of this. Why do you think we make sure our opinion is heard in every single change thread?
Because we don’t want tgem

Oh give it a rest dude. You’re grasping at straws. They aren’t giving you b4a at 60.


Although if they offered a timewalking thing in BfA like they do for many other zones where you talk to a bronze dragon and get taken to the old pre-cata world that would probably make quite a few of the pro-changers happy enough with that.

Good because I don’t want that and have made that plenty clear.

I am done, but when I come back I will post with my new toon in Classic Wow and all of those that doubt what I said will see that I’m right. Tanks will be balanced before ZG and MC comes out.
All doubters will come to Booty Bay. I will be there , a well hung Tauren Warrior , standing at the end of the pier where you will all bow and pay homage to me.
The one who foretold of The Great Balancing.
You will then give me money and materials as a tribute for simply saying, “I told you so.”
All hail me, whose name will always end with a letter Z. Well my son does the same thing. So, I’ll let you know.

Oh I’m sorry, you’re getting a remake of classic wow. You’re not getting classic plus. I don’t know how you can watch that panel and think they’d even consider changing around specs.