Balance is Competitive without Starsurge

It went from 5th pre-nerf to 8th post-nerf and all but 2 of the classes below it will scale much better with gear so expect it to keep dropping until it settles above Enh and Frost.


Some of those classes/specs below Balance are also slated to receive buffs, as per the most recent blue post.


Wrong, it’s getting buffs and bug fixes whereas classes below it like Ret, Warrior, Frost, and MM are not.

Balance is looking to be midpack now. These are facts.

Only two, enhance and feral. And the balance buffs and bug fixes are bigger than the feral buffs anyway.

Restoration druids only have one button worth pressing and it’s a rune added for SOD. It was two buttons before they removed Starsurge for restoration druids. Every other button is either poor or vastly inferior to anything else some other healer provides, e.g. priest.


It’s not wrong, it’s a trend. You understand what that means right?

And bug fixes can still be nerfs. A bug fix is a code change and code changes can either result in bugs, nerfs, or no difference. Class gets worse as a result of a code change = nerf. It’s that simple.

So because they decided the previous DPS boomkins were doing when they were at 5th overall was acceptable when they put in code changes to fix bugs that resulted in a nerf they tried to compensate elsewhere.

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No it’s not. It’s something you made up.

These ones aren’t. The bug caused them to do lower damage than intended. Did you even read them? Do you even play the spec?

So you aren’t capable of looking at pre-nerf and post-nerf data?

… we’re talking about different bugs here

Eclipse was doubly applying to Starsurge giving it 60% crit chance instead of 30% chance.

This does not suggest the trend you say it does. You don’t know how to read the data so you instead made something up to fit your narrative.

Balance is midpack and will continue to be midpack. These are facts that the data supports.

I’m talking about the bugs that were posted in the blue post that you didn’t read. The bug that is being corrected and will increase Balance’s damage, solidifying their spot in the midpack. Please keep up.

I’ll put it simply. More gear now. Many spec number go up big. Boomie number stay same. Pattern recognized.

Show me the sims, because the balance disc sims disagree. Show me your data to support this.

You play one class and one class only. You have no room to complain about class issues when starfire and starsurge can crit 900 plus in PVP versus Plate wearing classes. It is the easiest class in Classic to play. Try something else.

Here’s a more simple one that you have failed to understand.

Boomie get buffs. Classes below Boomie didn’t get buffs. Buffs to Boomie outpace any “made up scaling” you have made up. Boomie midpack for players that know how to play it.

Let’s see your sims then.

A support class that offers a ton of utility and can fill any role well, but Druids always want more… Blizzard, you will never satisfy the people who main druids in classic era and have yet to learn how to play them effectively, especially in PVP…

Again… Buffs AND nerfs. I don’t know how you don’t understand this. Is 30% less crit chance nothing to you? Also, do you think that Warriors don’t scale with gear or something? What are you even talking about?

They’re right on the boomkin disc. Go grab them and play around with it.

They got more buffs than nerfs.

No, I think warriors didn’t get huge buffs like Boomkins did.

Link them then. We’re waiting on you.

Boomkin Discord. Of course you don’t know what that is and need a link because you think Insect Swarm is a talking point for a moonkin rotation… Druid Classic discord → sod-balance channel.

I don’t know why I’m even talking to a troll who clearly knows nothing about boomkins. Also thinking Warrior DPS won’t get better with gear is insane. Do you even raid??

They don’t exist, that’s why you can’t link them. Glad we covered that.

Check the pins.

tldr; “All these changes combined is about minus 40dps relative to where we were a few days ago.”

They don’t exist, that’s why you are incapable of linking them. It is another thing you made up.

Even if they were real, even If I granted you that you didn’t make them completely up, sims have been wrong before since they don’t take into account actual game mechanics.

Balance is midpack for anyone that can play the spec competently.

Are you serious? It’s literally the first result on google… discord dot com/invite/classicdruid

Right, so to bring this conversation to some sort of conclusion, you are refusing to link the sims because you’ve made them up. Balance is midpack for those playing it correctly. Everyone will be moving on now including Blizzard.

Being midpack is a fine place to be. You are not entitled to being the top dps every phase.