I don’t want all the try-hards and carry-beggars coming back to Alliance. Yeah the best players play Horde, everyone knows that. What they overlook is the worst players also play Horde and beg/follow them mindlessly.
The Alliance players on this board sure do like being professional victims.
I just fell out my 154th alliance horse at the better racials statement.
Ion, is that you on your purchased alliance diaper gnome? I know you’d never really play an alliance.
I want to go back Horde, but my friends don’t have enough faith in Blizzard to make Shadowlands enjoyable and they don’t want to spend the money to transfer and then quit playing after realizing Shadowlands is plagued by crappy RNG systems and time gates like BFA.
Maybe I’ll see you in one of the warfronts we won this expansion! (it was all of them)
We do have better racial traits.
We consistently got the better deal on our allied race racial traits.
Speedo god gnome thank you very much.
I quit horde for alliance.
Horde is stinky, and i hope all these victim complex people go play Vulpera and Blood elves.
I like to know where the traitors are.
I fell off my 160th wolf earlier today. Being Horde rocks! Wolves for days!
Tie someone’s pay and bonus to Alliance v Horde numbers and it will change real quick.
The guys at the top can fix it real quick, if they wanted to.