Baine Replacement

Fine, then how about we just aim at the low-low mark of making these characters interesting or palatable enough to want be invested in any story they are a part of. Baine is about as fascinating as oatmeal right now, and all Thrall does is mope. If they are going to be our reps, they should at least be somewhat investment worthy.

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my take was more about the word “proud” as in the context of “Oh boy am I proud to have a character of x faction”

If we are referring to the feeling of pride I think it is taking it abit too far from the current story and game. Pride is something that should be associated with accomplishments not what race/class you play.

But I believe just feeling “Content/Happy” about where x factions story and characters are going is a better term.

Can I ask a honest question? What’s so bad about being proud that X favorite character or race did something cool in a game? It just feels like this whole notion of You shouldn’t feel anything towards video games is such a outdated/boomer thing.

It’s just…you know it’s okay to feel something towards fictional characters right? Most writers are good at making you feel something toward their works. If you think we shouldn’t be proud of the faction or race we play, 1) Why are you even playing the game? and 2) Why are you wasting your time on the STORY forum, where people are invested in the story?


Its more to do with the topic of pride being related to achievements.

One has nothing to do with the other. And you know that. You can be proud of a games factions/or race and be proud of your real life achievements.

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Not really You can be proud of something or someone but a fictional race/faction is not a person or a living being.

Than why are you wasting your time and everyone elses if you have zero vested interest in the story? And good fiction makes you feel all sorts of emotions, but you do you. Just stop wasting peoples time.

FEELING EMOTIONS that are related to characters faction or race =/= FEELING pride for playing a video game character faction or a race.

Pride…is…an…emotion that is OKAY TO FEEL about a video game.

You dont feel “pride” that you get to play as “Geralt of Rivia” for instance.

That is what I am talking about

Of course not. Would’ve cleared things up if you just said that as opposed to saying Having any emotions for a video game is bad and irrelevant and you can only feel pride for real life things

I didnt say that fully, please don’t put words in my mouth. I only said that a fictional character =/= a video game or playing as the character where you have choices etc. Yes while some of those choices that said race or faction does is forced upon you by the writers in an mmo and the fact is that well, the player characters are devoid of emotions other than being homicidal maniacs who does every single bidding someone asks of you.

RP characters are an entire different topic that is light years away from this topic. You cant feel pride in that baine did something of importance or was badass or whatever (Nothing has ever made me feel emotional in warcraft, but other games have, but that is not a “me” issue that is a writer issue or whatever. Its not my fault I feel emotions while playing yakuza 0 or another game.

And before any of your Existential (for lack of better words) questions like “WHY DO YOU PLAY A GAME IF YOU HATE THE STORY???” or “WHY ARE YOU ON THE FORUMS IF YOU FEEL INDIFFERENT TO THE STORY?”

Are you serious?

that is my only reply to that. because Its impossible for me to take the warcraft story with any emotion other than apathy, but apathy isnt a feeling as much as it is void of emotion. or the absence of it.

IMO, the issue stems from the beginning of WoW when they decided Druids need to be on both factions and went “Tauren are the Horde druid race,” while also drawing the line in the sand to go “that is a shaman, that is a druid” even though there was an abundance of overlap between them.

Then that’s what they became-- the Horde druid race. Who are the preeminent leaders of druidism? Nelves, so they were beholden to a nelf-run group of druids. The only way they could’ve gotten around this was making a “mirror” class for the opposite faction that had all the same mechanics but different lore/visuals. Troll Primals would’ve been a shoe-in for druid copycats.

But I digress. Everything went downhill for tauren when they killed Cairne off in a book most people won’t ever read.

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So it’s a personal issue. Gotcha. That’s all you had to say.

I think a lot games/movies lately suffer from that problem. They put most of their story/lore in media other than said game or movie. Forcing people to buy said things to get the full picture/story and it is criminal.

Ok look pal, I will tell you what I said to my guild in classic once “The devil is in the details”. But hey if you dont want to admit that you are wrong that is fine with me.

Listen, it’s a personal problem of YOURS bud. I can’t fix your apathy towards Warcrafts story. That’s entirely on you. And it’s not my problem. And admit I’m wrong about what exactly? Feeling emotions for certain races in a game? Nah bud, I don’t owe you anything. Fix your own problems. But don’t tell me or others how we should feel about a game

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Its not an issue of mine that the devs cant create relatable characters or characters that are likeable or characters that actually makes you feel something. Or act through crying when you feel sad.

That is a writer issue. They can’t make me feel, while other games can make me interested in the story. Blizzards dev team can’t.

That sounds more like a writer issue to me.

As for the emotions for races thing: same thing there really the writers handled it so badly I feel apathy towards the races and factions. I mean its totally not like the writers have been criticized for over a decade or 2 now? Surely there hasnt been a recent mess of story catastrophe.

When you saw Kuiil in the mandalorian die after getting shot by the scout trooper or the IG-whatever number model die you felt something because they were likable and you could relate to them.

To quote rich evans: “I felt a human emotion over something made in 2019” in reference to the Mandalorian tv show.

If you havent watched it or dont care then there is probably something wrong with you.

We’re not talking about the Mandalorian, as it’s irrelevant and why I’m not commenting on it. And it’s still a personal issue of yours too. Considering the hotly contested topics on this forums, I would say you’re in the EXTREME minority when it comes to being apathetic to the story.

Then you are very clearly delusional.