Bag addons don't "grey out" slots that have items can't be put in Warbank when Warbank is open

When you open the Warbank with the default UI, any items in your bags have that slot greyed out if they’re not able to be put into the Warbank… (A similar thing happens with the scrapper from BfA/Remix). All of the bag addons I’ve been using since 11.0 do not seem to have this behavior, and all items are “lit up” when the Warbank is open, regardless of whether that item is eligible for the Warbank or not… I’ve tried Bagnon, Litebag, Baganator so far.

Is this functionality just not available for addons yet, or do the addon developers need to do something to enable that behavior, and if the latter, what needs to happen? I’ll try to fix it myself?

Not sure how it’s panned out but I heard the APIs for the Warbank were an absolute mess in beta.

Arkinventory does this correctly.

I tried ArkInventory, actually like it a lot, but it seems to be a pretty big resource hog, easily adding 2-3 seconds to load times, etc. Anyone happen to know how it handles this correctly where the others do not?

i set the itemframe.GetItemContextMatchResult function to my own function

have that function call the base context check - ItemButtonUtil.GetItemContextMatchResultForItem( itemLocation ) - because you dont want to recode the whole thing, and you need it to work for all contexts anyway.

then i do my own checks to see if i have the bank open, which part of the bank is open (bank, reagent bank, or account bank) and calculate the correct value and return that back.

if not C_Bank.IsItemAllowedInBankType( Enum.BankType.Account, itemLocation ) then
	result = ItemButtonUtil.ItemContextMatchResult.Mismatch

then everywhere you want the context fading updated, eg when you shift bank types, call ItemButtonUtil.TriggerEvent( ItemButtonUtil.Event.ItemContextChanged ) and the game client will do the rest.