NEITHER! I don’t want to see anything about the Alliance or the Horde. I want a single whole expansion where we focus on the people of Azeroth as individuals, as characters with their own problems and whims and needs that don’t involve a small cast of six characters dragged out for each expansion, or the all caps HORDE and ALLIANCE that are never allowed to be a union of individual races. Neither faction has culture anymore, because Blizzard has homogenized it to be HORDE and ALLIANCE.
I want to explore what’s going on in Northrend’s various regions; I want to see how the Forsaken are settling and what their next steps will be; I want to see how the humans in Westfall are coping with the alleged end of decades of war; I want to see what the gnomes will do now that they have new friends, and what the tauren and orcs will do now that the Barrens are starting to sprout new life. I want to see where the Mag’har will settle, and if they bring their culture to Azeroth. I want to see the Draenei rebuild and start asking questions about what’s next for themselves now that the Legion is gone.
I want stories that actually explore Azeroth and give us variety, instead of ramming the same old boring, world ending threats down our throats time and time and time again.
My characters, the ones I made back in Vanilla and still play and roleplay, are adventurers; they’re not world saving heroes who punched a space god - they’re the people who go on meaningful adventures that propel genuine character development on a scale that doesn’t impact the world, and those are the kinds of developments I want to see all across WoW.
The Star Wars movies got boring for me because they kept hashing out the same “Galaxy Threatening Super Villain” every week and expected it to feel new. “Oooohhh, a NEW death star. OOOOOH, a new super evil darth vader look alike. OOOOOH, the republic has been destroyed again and the galaxy is about to be enslaved by the sith again.”
It’s why I think the Mandalorian is so popular and successful; it’s small, it’s contained, and it’s accessible and relatable to a degree. It focuses on a rational, nuanced storyline with well developed layers.
Back to WoW though - and most importantly, telling smaller stories doesn’t force the same cast of six characters to act against their personality in order to serve a larger story.
Imagine an expansion where Jaina didn’t have to flip flop to justify another faction war, or where Anduin didn’t force Alliance players to entirely disregard the latest genocidal war started by the Horde, or where Thrall didn’t have to show up do his self pity routine all over again.
Imagine an expansion where we got actual development for the Forsaken that wasn’t attached to a single character whose motivations have never been consistently developed.
Imagine an expansion where the tauren and every other Horde race didn’t get villain batted so that a Warchief could set up the next expansion where super villains in another realm or dimension try to destroy Azeroth.
Imagine an expansion where we, as the player, actually get to choose which adventures we go on for a change.