Azshara, but no Tyrande?

I mean, that’s relatively simple for an explanation. Shandris fits into this Naz’jatar story because it was not something the Alliance was expecting (nor, many members of the Horde save Sylvie); it apparently takes place over a very brief window of canonical time; and Shandris has been working closer with the Seventh Legion this expansion than near any other major NE atm.

Bluntly, the primary characters we are following around Naz’jatar are those that happened to have been on the boats. For the Horde its Lor’themar; Thalyssra; and Nathanos (until he bounces). For the Alliance its Jaina; Genn; and Shandris. Tyrande has absolutely no reason to be arbitrarily on a Kul Tiras fleet atm, so she is merely not there (with her and Malf being presumably busy in Kalimdor).


This we can keep sharping our pitch forks for if she doesnt appear when we confront sylvanas.

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I’d rather the story not be dictated by player demographics.

If Shandris can show up, so can others. The Horde is stretched thinner than one-ply toilet paper.


The dev literally said your story is over. Tyrande got her revenge, everything is cool with you guys now.

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Agreed, if anyone deserves a shot at Sylvanas Windrunner its Tyrande, Malf, and Summermoon. While I don’t think Sylvie is going to perma-croak, I would even go so far as to say that FOR SURE the NEs should be at LEAST allowed to claim her one remaining 1-up (and condemn her to the real prospect of her afterlife again). That should really send her off the deep end.

Look back at Arthas. So many characters who were important to his story and none of them showed up at the end. Blizzard said that Tyrande has had her “revenge” so we’re probably not going to see any meaningful content for her for a long while.


The NE’s home was burnt down. The only way to fix it, is to grow another or find another one.

It was not a Dev, it was a project manager. They don’t make decisions about story, they just keep the project moving along on schedule.

Also, the quote immediatly following that quote is talking about the all the threads they want to deal with. It was unfortunate wording taken out of context, she simply meant Tyrande will not play a large role in this patch.

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If I had said Tyrande is busy but will hear from her in the future keep calm these discussions would not be happening.

The answer was not the usual evasive was a blunt that item is ready.

That seems to be the retribution for his Home and for his people,The concept of justice according to the DEV…

Either they have lied to us to maintain an important element of the plot or it is simply how it sounds.

his people alone is worth a Valkir

If things were different there would not be so much silence despite all the noise that people have made.

Silence means that there is nothing to be said about it.

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They rarely interacted.

One was a queen, the other a priestess. Not only were they from different social strata, their field of expertise was not related.

Azshara is a minor character in Tyrande’s story arc, and likewise with Azshara.

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Tyrande angry. Tyrande smash horde!

Not exactly a very good character to have in a narrative about understanding the necessity of putting aside grievances and working together for the greater good.

It’s easy to say that when your people did not burn because of us.

because forgiveness always has to come from our side.

What if you suffer because of our guilt and swallow the pain?

i forget turn off the translator.

As a Horde only player I found it weird that we see her in the beginning of BFA but she is now non-existent. Does Alliance have anymore of hers and Malfurions story? Kind of strange they show up, screw with the Horde and make us think they are going to cause trouble and now they are gone. Like, wtf?

Azshara is a major character in Night Elf history. She shattered the planet in her lust for power, but I guess the rest of the Night Elves are just supposed to ignore that. Just like they’re supposed to forget about Teldrassil. And Tyrande was an important part of the rebellion against Azshara, so it’s not like Azshara has never heard of her before.

I’m still waiting for my favorite in-game NPC to get more than just a side-appearance in the Night Warrior questline (only to disappear ??). General Shandris Feathermoon that is, the likely successor to Tyrande should she perish or step down in the future.

Ya but the main focus was fighting the legion, Azshara was a minor villain. The war of the ancients trilogy mostly focuses on their battle against the legion.

Illidan and Azshara have a lot in common, but tyrande and her simply have no antagonistic history.

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In an ideal world no, but with how blizz does thing it definitely would

I’m sorry, but what? She’s the reason the Legion even showed up. She was a major part of the War of the Ancients.

She was at one point kidnapped and held at Queen Azshara’s palace. They have a history beyond “maybe knew each that each other existed”.

Azshara was the lubricant that facilitated the conflict between the night elves and the legion. Her purpose in the story is solely to provide a vessel that would allow contact between the two, thus rendering her importance as tertiary to the overall plot.

There is no foundation upon which to build a grudge, as the two were never rivals, nor were they in competition for any sort of prestige or power.

What tyrande knows of disdain for Azshara is the same that every night elf feels. There is just nothing unique in their interactions to suggest that the two have mutually shared animosity towards the other…

Who? Never heard of her, I think.
Night elves? Those the ones who live in Suramar?

Oh btw did you see Anduin’s new boat?

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