Azshara Alliance Reconnections

Ill be sure to read your forum posts at work!

I played a Undead priest named Deathstealer dont remember the guild but i pvped with dionysus and rigormortis alot back in the day

Name: Unstable
Class: Warrior
Guild: Letalis
Race: Night Elf

Any Letalis or Blue Garter folks around? Raiding and BGing with and against you guys were the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Hope you’re all doing well.

I remember you, Nikram. I decided to go to the RP server. RPers have always been more fun to kill. Lol.

Lots of world PvP on Grobbulus. And there’s a good Horde-side guild that’s RPing commies. Gotta destroy the commies, baby!

Millay here from Letalis you guys got a fresh discord link?

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Puinsai! Do you remember me? Halfarc human Paladin in OotT

Name: Illidria
Class: Paladin
Guild: Destinys Twilight
Race: Human

Discord: Illzilla#0171

I don’t remember a lot of folks I used to play with but I remember throwing myself into PvP a lot and pretty much living in AV.

Rolled on Benediction Alliance side until our planned guild cracked. Now it’s a tossup.

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Holy crap Illidria whats up man!? I had posted in the Azshara connections thread earlier a couple of the old school people rolled on Whitemane most of them are from well after Destinys Twilight broke up. Daelin is still around tho! Hit me up on battle . net #Aurongodx1434

Super late responding to this because I had no idea these forums existed! Your name sounds SUPER familiar. I was Celdinna/Helice in Order of the Templar. Not sure if you remember Halfarc or Onetrap , Jubion I was there with those guys.

I’m 4 years late to this but HALFARC! It’s Celdinna/Helice! I just added Puinsai to disc. Feel free to add me if you remember me haha Kaylona#5399

Don’t know if I’m on the right server but I had a night elf Druid on alliance GM of Exodus or we rerolled horde undead priest renamed it Invictus.
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