Azshara Alliance Reconnections

Germ and Wolk going to be there? I am still friends with Kaishek and Roxygirl on Facebook

cool man I posted the dis earlier so join up see you on opening day

Hey guys! This is Fig. Remember all of you and hope life has been treating you well. Nerion and I will be playing on Stalagg Horde as of right now.

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Hey Fig, if you and Nerion remember ChannelFourNewsTeam / GhostsOfWar we have a squad of about 25 people from Azshara joining us. Some from old Letalis too like Koce. Im Eetz the mage FYI

If you guys want to play with us, we are going Horde on Skarem server. We originally were going Herod, but looks like 5 hour queues so swapped. Skarem looks like a solid server.

If you want in, message me on discord at Damnation#4236

So where are we playing? Seems like some are going horde and some alliance. Been playing horde since BC so any side is good.

Hey. Hope you guys are doing good. I’m down to make a horde character. Let me know if that plan changes.

Alliance or Horde? Fig/Nerion commented further down about wanting to play horde on that same server.

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Name: Wheredidigo
Class: Rogue
Guild: Don’t remember all of them, but I know I was in Honor and Valor for awhile
Race: Night Elf

I mainly did a ton of PvP back in the day, but I can’t remember the names of the teams we use to run with. If anyone remembers me, feel free to reach out on Discord: Wheredidigo#1260

Add me at discord: Maxon#1107
Why horde? I thought Nerion stands for human race purity.

Wheres Wolk?

Night Elf hunter

I will be following Nerion and Fig in classic

added you Gang

Changing from Herod for lower queues. Going Stalagg. Will add a link to a Discord soon.

accepted your friend. Sent you some messages

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Hello children, Fig told me there was some considerable interest in playing together. I would love to find some Azshara players to push with and get high on nostalgia. Going Stalagg, Horde, to try something different. I want to play this at beyond a casual level and also have some other friends coming to do so. The goal is to be competitive. We are looking at composing two to three raid groups. Come hang with us in

Hey going Stalagg Horde with a good sized group.

Name: Bearcat {Dwarf Priest}
Guild: Affliktion
Guildmates: Sneed, Fhatty, Gaias, Oneystar, Rothiah, Pepeesio, Rangerjt, Wynn etc

Vecko, holy paladin from Kamikaze Devils.

Goin Horde on Skeram this time around.

Still keep in touch with alshoon? the guild leader? that guy was pretty damn cool. totally miss KKD

Nospheratu - Human Lock
Nosferrari - Draenai Shaman

Guild - I can’t even remember the name at this point

I started on Azshara as Alliance back during the launch of TBC then stayed there til Wrath before finally moving to another server to join a Horde guild of buddies.

People I remember on Azshara:

  • Animals (nelf Druid)
  • Turtleform (Turt Le Form) - Nelf druid
  • AtomicHeals - Dwarf Priest
  • TheRemover (There Mover, lol) - Undead Rogue
  • Lawman - Human Paladin (LISTEN HERE SPORTSFAN). I miss him calling people out for world PvP and then going and getting stomped by a whole gang of Horde. The forum trash talk was top shelf.

There are others that I remember, but I can’t recall if they were from Azshara or from my other server (Sargeras) and I’m just blending the two servers together because it’s been over a decade.

I miss you guys. I had the best time on Azshara and had the most fun/laughs