Nolimitz - Undead Rogue, Volatile…
I remember Seafish the rogue, MokuMoku the Tank warrior and many more players I miss from the good old time!! Link up!! Good old Molten core run and the timed BWL runs!!
Nolimitz - Undead Rogue, Volatile…
I remember Seafish the rogue, MokuMoku the Tank warrior and many more players I miss from the good old time!! Link up!! Good old Molten core run and the timed BWL runs!!
I know you!
Podo - Tauren Warrior and general bon vivant
Co-founder of < Bloodrock Assassins >
…which held together a few months after launch, then joined < Internecion >
Would love to hear from troll rogue Hondo or any folks who remember.
Anyone else remember < Foppish Dandy >?
Undead warlock named Gammage
Guilds I remember being in Bloodlust and Megalomania. Also had a smaller connection to some Anti-Sobriety guys. Would love to smash a jaeger bomb with Ballrok
I was also in Virtual Dragon Slayers in BC. I got in due to Dwar. I met him at a Lan party
Didnt plan on posting then i saw your name
Azazoth/Hurt/Schlort ^Gerber
Thalygos or anyone from [Infiniti] coming back?
Holkan, I know you! Kagar, Resto Druid
Yes, Shagahod. I called him Mendian but maybe that was BC.
I also look for Gromdir. Perhaps Shagahod/Mendian knows. Some are still in BDC on Azgalor. So many names… good ole times are coming!
Gaijin, Undead Warlock, I don’t remember what guild, it’s been 15 years. I was in a guild with a Troll Warrior named Lumpyrollo. According to Warcraft Realms, he was in SPQR and Core, but I don’t remember which of those guilds I was in (I was only in one of them). So, if anyone remembers the noob lock that was super excited about setting fish on fire, drowning Paladins outside of Undercity, and got into the guild by doing /chicken around a Tauren Warrior hanging out in Brill, that’s me XD
Raivon - Warlock Guild Leader of True Grave
Crazysammy - Rogue
True Grave was a casual raiding guild that lasted from launch through most of Wrath.
Looking for any of the old TG members that may have lost touch with over the years.
Hit me up or add me as a friend and lets reconnect!
I was
I was in a few guilds, but I really would love to meet/play with some folks from Unknown eXistence.
Or maybe the guild where we all had to play UD Rogues with the word “gank” in their name (pink tabard, iirc).
Or maybe some of the old folks I used to AV with back in vanilla/around BC pre-patch.
Enceno (or Encenoa) the Tauren Warrior.
This realm was eventually merged into a connected realm consisting of Destromath, Azgalor, Azshara and Thunderlord.
Spent a long period of time being the GM, RL & MT of the guilds I was in and would love to connect with any former members who are coming back for classic. Lots of of the people you played with exist within a Discord server we run to stay in touch. We’d love to play with you again or at least connect.
Guilds I ran: Deviant,
Guilds I was in: Clockwork, Crypt Fiends, Reading is Fundamental & Sabbatum
Connect with me on Battlenet as Enceno#1753,
on Discord as Enceno#7514
or join our discord at (add https://)
This was my main I posted on my Rogue on accident a few days ago. My old name was Tokrim but friends called me Toky for always helping them out. Mainly PvP’d and I remember many and many of the high-end Arena Players / BG’ers.
jdawg was a good rogue and so was Rizer. MokuMoku, very good mage.
Infiniti, Hyperion, BDC, Virtual Dragon Slayers - They were all great guilds, prob missed some.
I co-managed Open a Ticket, was in Damage Inc and a handful of other guilds.
However this was started in BC. Just wanted to post my memories of the realm
For people that remember Hellscream Raiders, they eventually wanted to merge with Open a Ticket. It was owned by a GM and his gf Ziara. I won’t go into detail but damn she was a wild one behind her bf’s back…talkin bout shower pics and stuff lol
edit: Luap26 I see you bro! hit me up next time i log on which is a bit rare now-days with the change of the PvP system…
Warrior tank here, looking for 2-3 people to speed level through instances with my buddy who’s a healer and I. We have the entire week of the 26th off and will be playing a lot. My discord tag is Tikiman#7412. Please let me know me, we will level fast!
Howdy guys! 15 years later and WoW is finally bringing the real hardcore mode back. Ill come back if I see my old friends log on. Frankdahtank, Jontronic, Riedera, Oldarmy, Snapzor and Chubby. You bros is what made WoW wow.
60 Mysticalmite - Zero Tolerance (the original)
70 Multicalmite - Burnin some Felweed (we raped AV with our premade 40 man groups)
80 Dupicalmite - Common Sense (server firsts)
We should get the band back together. I tried to talk sagacity to play but he is lame now.
I remember you, I was Scizo - Orc Shaman
Haha whats up! I’ve tried to look you up before. You were one of the first people I remember making friends with through the game. We were running SM Cath I think. Good times
Add Gammage#1406 - also anyone else who remembers me feel free to add.
I wasn’t Horde. But I always felt a good connection with the horde because i fought each one of you so many times. It was great battles. I remember more horde than alliance and it was cause of you guys. You made vanilla Great for me. I want to say my appreciation for the constant attacks and battles we had. My love to the horde. I will be playing horde this time around.
Timesup NE Rogue. Caligulas Pleasures. Favorite blade for the longest Perd Blade. Known to kill lots of horde lol
Coffin was my Brother Human Mage. Sworn polymorpher of the horde. I think I’ve seen him have 2 or 3 sheeps up at once. I know it’s not possible. I know, but he did it once, but multiple times. LOL
I do want to say a special memberance to Hurt, man we fought a lot and loved ur style.
Holkan, i hate orc warriors. Thats all i say about that lol. Good to be on their side now
Seafish was awesome troll rogue. Loved seeing him.
Hyperion Guild. Awesome Team. Loved fighting you guys
AOD - Angels of Death. Loved you guys.
ALE - Love to you as well.
There is a lot more of you guys i’ve seen post but i would take all day to cover everyone. But i love all you guys. You made my vanilla wow great experience and thank you for that.
Was tons of fun. I remember like it was yesterday!
I think I seen you everywhere. Blackrock, Wintersprings, STV, Stormwind, Crossroads… you name it and we probably had a fight or two there. LOL. Excited to be back in action.
excuse me?