[A][Whisperwind-Dentarg] Chill/Inclusive Guild LF Members

looking for a druid healer for raiding?

We could always use a back-up healer for raids, but mostly now we’re hoping to add in more DPS.

Whether you’re a veteran or a new player, we happily welcome you to join us. We’re a very friendly and accepting group that really tries to help out all of its members with whatever they need. Whether it’s getting geared up or learning a spec or getting specific keystones, our guild members help each other out as best as we can. Everyone is relaxed and communicative, there is no aggression from wipes in dungeons; just discussions of what to do better before picking up and trying again. If this sounds like a great fit for you, please reach out to any of us and give us a shot!

Happy Monday, everyone–still looking for some sweet DPSers.

Looking for newcomers / current vets/ and old returning players / all types of players to join The Librarians. We have raid days, mythic +'s for most ilvl’s and for those who like pvp I’m trying to get that started for us we just need more people that will play it. Whatever your poison ; if your looking for a solid group of people to enjoy the game with, then this is the group for you. We look forward to meeting all whom wish to join.

I second what Gundamene said.

We’re always looking for new members! Whether you’re a new or experienced player, you’ll find a happy home with us. We’re currently looking for any DPS/healers but all roles are welcome!

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We’ll send new members ice cream, on the house.

How it doesn’t melt in the mail, I’ll never know.

Most likely dry ice.

Still looking for your forever home? Come hang out with us!

Come celebrate the upcoming patch release with us!

We’re hosting a contest with lots of prizes!

Hey There! Are you guys still needing folks for raiding? If so I’d love to chat.

I am looking for a raid group and you guys sound like a great fit. I am a ‘good not great’ jack of all trades - I currently play all three paladin specs (best at Prot, but capable with all three), resto/ele shaman, assassin rogue, and leveling up my frost mage with my wife at the moment.

I have raiding experience sparkled throughout WoW’s history - tanking during Nax 10, Healing Ulduar and ToC, and various roles through much of cataclysm and Pandaria.

I also enjoy M+, though I didn’t dabble much this past season, and in BFA +11-13 seemed to be about the top of my abilities to keep up with.

Would love to chat further if you still need folks to raid with!


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If you haven’t already sent me a message, I’d love to chat with you!

Are yall in need of healers at all?

Mostly in need of DPS, but we do need some back-up healers.

Come join us for bug-filled 9.1 goodness.

We’re looking for some sweet, sweet DPS, but all roles are always welcome! Come join us for the 9.1 goodness!

One of my favorite guilds to date of playing this game. Come and join us. I also run the Horde side guild on the Thrall server, but we are mostly focused here.