Did you steal it from the book; The Children of Hurin? Because that 's the only place I could think of that it’s from.
For the OP, yeah, go look at LOTR books and look at those names, Dragonlance is also a great place to steal names from. This may sound funny to you, but all but like 3 of my 11 toons have names from the Bible. Again, I realize it sounds funny, but there are some pretty great names within that aren’t: David, or Elijah. This toon is actually a Bible character name.
Did anyone realize this post started back in 2011??? If this guy hasn’t found a name for his paladin at this point, he is absolutely worthless…lolololol!!!
This thread needs to be stickied or something. I could never think of one for my paladins, so always stuck with something that sounds more race-specific.