Limit Break Gaming is an AOTC raiding guild located on the Zul’jin (NA) server. We are currently preparing for the release of Liberation of Undermine & we plan to once again focus on achieving AOTC, before progressing into Mythic difficulty & working towards CE. With a clear path ahead of us & a tight-knit, dedicated core, we are now looking to fill out our roster with afew more great players. The following is a listing of preferred classes, though any class interested in joining the team will still be considered!
• Druid (Resto w/ Balance Offspec)
• Monk (Mistweaver w/ Windwalker Offspec)
• Evoker (Preservation w/ DPS Offspec)
All applicants are expected to have some previous raiding experience, as well as a thorough understanding of their character class, spec, & role. Every raider is only expected to play 1 character, though multiple specs are both welcomed & encouraged. It is also highly encouraged that new members make some time to play with their teammates during off-raid days, either by running Mythic+ dungeons & pushing keys, or by participating in other relevant content.
All applicants will go through a brief interview process with the raid council, just to discuss opportunities & get to know each other better. The current raid schedule is as follows: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11pm to 1am EST.
Please reach out to FalcoTempest in Discord if you are interested in joining, or even just discussing the opportunities available! Cheers to all!