AWC 2021 Gets Started Today

But advertising this meme game is the only time we see Blue’s give any sort of message in the PvP forums. You can understand why people are trying to get their attention…even though daddy Ion/Activision don’t let anyone engage with the player base outside of token interviews with softball questions.

What an amazing mentality :slight_smile: /s

Based off that giant reveal about how Theory crafters were treated by Blizzard devs in their secret forum I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did work for them based on his comment and terrible PvP rating with so many games played.

This is the only blue post thread in how long!! Maybe if they stop ignoring and neglecting an upset community? What do you expect us to do? The only option is to quit which is fine but also sad.

This thread is like walking up to someone that is starving and saying beautiful day right? How about this game right? While ignoring the fact they are starving. Totally just unprofessional and slightly embarrassing that this is the first engagement.


I’m loving this tournament! Props for putting it on.

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blizz isnt ignoring or neglecting anybody. they listen quite often to the pvp community and thats why weve seen changes recently to pvp!

offer constructive feedback in the appropriate fields? not just attack blizzard employees in the one thread that they do make. that doesnt help ANYONE.


The community and massive resentment they feel says otherwise. Maybe the game will be ok this summer I’m out till then though have fun in this thread and watching some broken PvP I guess. Rather the game be fixed or have a responsive company address the plethora of issues.

The community can barely be constructive anymore since they are so neglected and pissed off. How many years do we have to wait? Have to hard disagree. Good luck but the pain of the PvP community is obvious.

Unsubbed have fun ill check back again in a year. Maybe they will get better at some point.

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They added gear vendors, but kept broken gear? I don’t see any difference other than people having choice over the one piece they buy each week over getting a random one from winning Arena’s in BFA…other than at low ratings/casual bgs undergeared players continue to get one shot by busted classes with higher ilvl.

All the AwC is showing us is that if you’re not a 2400 rated player you really shouldn’t participate in any of this meme game’s PvP modes.

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yeah against bad mages sure

any mage half aware is going to intentionally have 50 buffs when they combust thanks to triuneward and natural trash buffs

besides that the first 2-3 globals are the most relevant for combust meaning yeah grounding is huge

but purging is 99% of the time irrelevant / not possible


you keep talking about this “community”, the only “community” i see on the forums are butthurt players who refuse to put the time to improve, and all they want is getting easy wins through nerfs.

The true pvp community don’t come complaining and crying to this forums. They are out there ranking up, figuring out stuff and getting better.

Your so called community is completely clueless and irrelevant for balancing purposes.

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What the AWC is showing us is that the things you hate can be countered if you spent time learning how.

Instead people go onto the forums to complain about why they exclusively can’t get to the rating they want. Which clearly isn’t true.


rating is irreverent to a casual player. Not everyone wants to played rated arenas or rated bgs. some people just enjoy playing the game. Too bad it’s unplayable without getting to 226 ilvl because you can’t counter skills that do 1/2 your HP bar in dmg. It’s a bit easier to react when it’s only 1/3 or 1/4. Gear should be irrelevant in competitive game mode. Its one of the few things they can easily balance across the board. There will always be meta classes and specs, but people shouldn’t be held back by gear. That’s why this game is a joke and will remain a joke compared to real Esports like Dota and League.


Who wants to improve at a game that isn’t fun and busted? You can just play a game that isn’t. That is the only solution. Your logic makes no sense. If the game was worth getting better at, maybe after it’s fixed and it becomes fun then sure.

Yes most PvP players don’t use the forums or even do Arena. Those are the players hurting. The majority of PvP players waiting for fixes to obvious problems. No solutions though and no engagement when there is obvious problems leaves a bitter taste in the communities mouth.


Weird how other people can climb rating and counter it without being 226 ilvl…

what community and what massive resentment? the awc broke records in viewership, so im not sure where all this resentment is.

the community has never been neglected.

pvp community: we want stat templets
blizz: ok here they are
pvp community: we dont want them anymore
blzz community: ok they’re gone

pvp community" we want vendors
blizz" ok here they are

just because blizzard doesnt take into account your every personal whim doesnt mean that it isnt listening to the community at large. no one person can represent the entire community.

ty i will, the gmae is great right now

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rofl yikes my dude

I don’t know, I just watched like 2 min of a match and it was a joke. Literal things I heard said out loud here:

“Lots of cc going out here, will (ret) be okay here?! Yes, it looks like word of glory topped him off there.’’

“(Hunter) pops his aspect of the turtle to get his pet rez off.”

“Will (hunter) get his pet rez off? And…oop, no he won’t”

Seems like same stupid crap to me :man_shrugging:


this community you talk about is literally you. This is your issues you are talking about. There is a LOT of players happy with pvp right now. Most of the best players are having a TON of fun.

PVP is a competitive environment, it is NOT balanced around mediocre players, it is balanced around the top bracket, like it or not. So you can keep endlessly crying, but they are not going to balance it around your demands and frustrations. Just wont happen.

So you either practice and get better or you are better off pveing.

AWC actually been fun to watch. No 80% dampening games. Ret warrior though lol.

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I did an entire dungeon in the duration it took for that last game. Hybrid healing and holy paladins keeping that dampening alive

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