Avoid <Booty Bae> Toxic Horde Guild

So Booty Bae is raiding MC and are using some sort of “loot council” designed to gear their clique leadership and their friends. No DKP system or fair loot system. 2 weeks in a row the majority of MC boss drops (and BoE epics) went to officers and guild leadership (one warrior leader got 2 sets of epic boots and other leaders have already completed set bonuses in only 2 weeks of raiding without any loot going to those who also put in the effort). Instead of saving the mats like Fiery Cores to help the guild, they are selling them on the AH to get gold for their alts. They’re even cornering the market on all the high level herbs. Avoid this guild, the leadership are loot addicts. Horrible raiding experience to spend hours in MC and clearing to watch only the guild leadership get anything important. No loot is given to anyone else putting in the effort. Make this clear - you won’t get anything from this guild but wasted time.

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What is your toons name on Ashkandi? I would love to discuss with you in game.

or just whisper me

Well this isn’t true at all!

You failed to mention that Warrior was the MT and both pieces were tank gear.

So no other warrior will get items, despite being a warrior heavy raid? Seems pointless to go if there’s no reward for them. I mean, every raider puts in effort and down stuff in 1 shot, why the need to give items to a few select people? Obviously the raid is doing well to 1 shot stuff and not lose many people, so why load up the tank? This isn’t vanilla and we obviously aren’t struggling. Further, this isn’t a team of scrubs. If other guilds can drop Rag with a tank in greens and blues, so can ours. Or are you all saying our raid isn’t as good as others?

Why give items to only a few select people (who are officers in the guild and their friends)? Also, what about the shaman officer stating in discord that no other shaman will get items until he gets it first? or what about the endless Rend runs for Felstriker for your raid leader? don’t pretend you’re doing these Rend runs for “the guild” when the reality is, you’re doing it for yourself. Otherwise, you’d bring other rogues with you. It gets tiring hearing how many times TF is better for a rogue and witnessing him manipulate the guild to get items such as Felstriker. Straight up, this guild is toxic and raiding with them is pointless.

Edit: Additionally, one of the officers mentioned in discord that there’s some sort of “loot list” created by the guild leadership pre-assigning loot. Make that list public so every raider can see who is getting what. I’m sure most of the guild leadership is “first” on the loot list. Make it public and let’s see.

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Damn, that butt hurt about loot cause you didn’t get a sword. RIP, A non officer Warrior got it. Lmfao, can’t even post with your characters own name. We all know who you are.

P.S. Warrior Teir is only good for PROT WARRIORS! btw… Witch we have two, so why not gear our main prot warrior then off tank? Fury Warriors don’t need the teir set nor any smart warrior would want, unless tanking. Like I said we know who you are.

MFW youre dumb enough to think tier gear is for dps. Not everyone is going to be geared on raid 1 or 2. Welcome to classic. Go back to retail.

See, this is the toxicity of Booty Bae leadership coming out.

Rich coming from Thundercloud

Sorry try again…

Funny, but this isn’t being toxic? Calling out an entire guild, about stuff you know nothing about, and isn’t true in anyway? Lieing on an entire guild… On the forms, and hiding it behind a screen/keybored?

However, if you do have an issue with the guild and don’t like how things are done within it, i’m sure you can find a place with another guild who you will mesh better with. /gquit when you can and find a better home.

Funny you think i’m someone i’m not. I’m not even an officer nor a warrior in the raid. I’m just observing the BS that is in the guild leadership.

Read any old Vanilla post or guide for raiding. You funnel gear to tank. There is no priority loot for officers only for classes. Which is what the list is based off. Have you been sim crafting or helping other guildies? No because you don’t even have the courage to come forward to an officer with your issues. Our RL is broke because he spent all of his money crafting gear for half the raid team.

This isn’t vanilla. This is classic.

vanilla is classic

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Sorry, but no. They may look the same, but they are not the same.