so, 1. report feature is broke, allowing folks to coordinate an automated system, getting you silenced for 24hrs is crappy - i disagree with the system sure.
but, 2. why wouldn’t you just pass lead? i mean, pretty stubborn if you weren’t going to be marking targets and issuing raid warnings and such.
I don’t have any sympathy really - both parties involved in this incident are edgelords.
If you’re concerned about being unfairly ejected from the game due to RCR abuse, I’m pretty sure you can’t be right clicked if you haven’t spoken in chat. I mean, not that that should be the solution but I’ve just stopped drawing any kind of attention to myself in chat channels if I’m stuck in a group with sketchy people.
That means don’t respond to defend yourself in public chat or in whispers. They’ll probably assume you’re a bot but if they can’t click your name in the chat box you should be safe.
I would Hope Blizz/Act would do the right thing here, research the Claim review all logs, and if proven the other guy(s) orchestrated this type of Bullying then they should receive a perm-Ban
Many of us warned about this months before Classic came out, were laughed at by the “nobullypls” crowd, and now people are reaping the rewards of it.
Best thing to do, as has been mentioned above, is not respond to them. The problem, of course, is if you’re legitimately trying to lead, they can just right-click your name anyways from raid chat. If you don’t plan on leading, try to give it to someone else not in their group. Or just not talk at all, and let them rage at each other.
I remember this being one of the hot issues on the forums before Classic was released and it sure looks like the people that were concerned about the abusing of the system were right and then some.
There are no “feelings” at work here, and no decisions either. It’s botting with minions instead of scripts.
You were imagining a world where someone gets offended at a joke, messages their friends and gets a decent, hardworking edgelord squelched for “no reason”.
OP is not in that situation.
Instead, it was a calculated hit. If that is not feelings free decision making I don’t know what is.
I definitely did not see it coming. Discord and the ability to coordinate grouping outside of WoW changed the meta.
Even more than that, however, is the intense granular deconstruction the poopsocker crowd has given this game in order to be FIRSTFIRSTFIRST. It’s warping the game, potentially could break it.
My biggest hope is that the tryhards get their 1337 purples and go back to Shadowlands, leave us filthy casuals on peace.
I am sure the response from Blizzard came because they saw the same thing. They could see this being a cancer that kills the game and any possibility of bringing on TBC and Wrath. These cheating exploiters are destroying and warping the game as you say. The worst part is they don’t care.
I saw a streamer do this recently. His premade joined AV and someone random got lead. They asked him to give assist to everyone multiple times, and it was not done in a threatening manner btw. After several times asking politely and getting no response, they all counted down and mass reported him, getting him out of the game. Is this abuse?
Battlegrounds are about team work, whoever can work better has the edge. Being able to mark tanks, healers and mages plus telling people where to go and what to do greatly increases the chance of success. Also remember we are only getting one side of the story, for all we know the premade people asked politely and OP rudely blew them off.
By refusing to pass lead and be a team player you are ruining 39 other’ people’s experience. If you don’t want raid warnings and want to do w/e you want then maybe just play solo
I enjoy reading your posts and realize you’re thoughtful about things and def did not want to treat your post like a typical forum fall down. That said, I’m also lazy and did not read around.
I figured you had explained yourself well so thanks for linking the proof.
My prob with this discussion we all had way back before Classic launched was that the opposition to right click reporting was all EDGELORD vs. CASUALS and became an extension of the culture wars (“F your feelings!”) instead of a rational discussion about actual hacks and abuses if the game.
And to be clear, this problem is stemming from the poopsocker, tryhard, edgelord crowd NOT the “I’m crying! The scary undead rogue said a mean thing!” crowd. Because there were a lot of accusations back then that were just flat out wrong.
I hate people that refuse to play as a team and are a-holes about it. I’ve seen more than I can count.
BUT unfortunately there is nothing preventing them in the ToS or rules of playing this way.
I would be tempted to report a yahoo like this whether it’s a premade or not BUT I also am aware that the abuse of the system IS a offense regarding to harassment even if it is being done against one single jerk in a BG.