AV Map needs changing (coming from a Horde player)

This is the best meta for horde right now. Oddly enough, the horde who offer “suggestions” and their Alliance sycophants who say it’s just attitude offer no way to break this.

It’s because it’s nearly impossible to break. IWB is too far from SHGY to be of any help. SHB is in the middle of the field which offers no help. SHGY has a 180 attack radius and has two paths which to attack from. This allows for Horde to split and simply ride to SPGY or assault IWB and when alliance splits, they wipe.

As for IBT/IBGY, Horde form a crescent moon defense, using IBT to fire down into Alliance while the IBGY choke traps them there. Horde can hold off 30+ alliance with 15 people. Since IBGY cannot be assaulted by Alliance, horde can leak out from the back to go on Offense or attack the Alliance flanks. Unlike SPGY hills, alliance cannot scale IBGY from their side.


Yea i misspoke there - ill eat that. Its IB not TP. It chokes us to not be able to move forward past TP. Meh.

In reality these issues were caused by alliance.

Our queue times make it to where a zerg for Vann is not in our favor at all, but it is for alliance due to near instant queues.
Our map control is because we had to combat the never ending run of 6-7 min games because you guys cheese pull Drek.

Now the queues are even worse because you guys “Boycott AV” in retaliation to getting the changes that you were crying for (yes, alliance were upset because if you werent in a premade group - you were starting the match with less than 20) so the meta apparently changed over the last week or so. I have personally been on hiatus due to pc issues for the last week - and didnt see this the week before so was unaware.

Let me guess, me being gone for 1 week means i know nothing amirite?

I swear alliance is full of millennials. You all cry non-stop, and refuse to accept responsibility for any of your actions that caused what you have today.

Don’t blame the alliance blame blizzard we didn’t cause premades blizzard knew about it from the day it started they waited and people got used to the meta so in the end they are to blame

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#nochanges there are a billion things we could do to make WoW classic more convenient, but instead, #nochanges.

If AV only allows one faction to win, keep it. If Thunder Clap can not be used in defensive stance, tough luck.

The reason we wanted classic to begin with was that it wasn’t created to be convenient, addictive, or to make sense in any context. We were the ones who had to adapt to make it work. We’re not saying you can’t have a polished game. There’s a BFA for you.

Get you’re no changes bs out of here that’s been out the window since the day the game came out they released gear that wasn’t even supposed to be in the game patched Paladins for a few weeks then used a map that wasn’t in classic so gtfo of here


So a couple changes means everybody just go nuts, right? I didn’t want any of it. I don’t want any more of it.

They would just get SF gy which its purpouse is exacrty that and by ressing in snowfall you have a way to actually attack and defend. Doest matter if horde would abuse the choke. They would also have to get SF.

but Guess what that’s changes this isn’t vanilla this is classic a whole different game then what it was then so stop spewing #nochanges cause it doesn’t exist anymore it doesn’t give the classic experience that people talk about and never will

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#nochanges. I signed the petition for 1.12.

We wanted vanilla AV, not 1.12 which only existed for a few months.

And in any event, it’s not just that Horde reach SH quicker at the start of the match, it’s the fact that an Alliance push to IBGY has to wipe the Horde ~3 times without stopping to eat or drink because of how quickly Horde can respawn and run back.

Lawnmower/triangle can work, but it almost always take a premade to pull it off because we need to limit how many poverty ponies are on map, and we need to keep the Alliance push together instead of being scattered all over the place as you see in the typical pug game. Alliance can and does wipe Horde at Bal in pug games, but the push always peters out as some idiots hare off to SFGY, others try to 1v3 in mid, and still others AFK to mooch HKs at SHGY after their 1st respawn.


Um… Blizzard didnt give you guys premade queues. You as a group figured out you could cheese the queue and utilized it. I dont blame you completely, if horde could have done it - i am sure we would have.

This “Blame blizzard” because we decided to do this is yet another cop out to avoid accepting responsibility.

That’s what I don’t get the most about this.

I keep seeing people point at “But Alliance won AV 70% of the time in vanilla”… “Alliance just needs to do X as in vanilla”…

This isn’t the same game as vanilla. These aren’t the same queue-times. Horde never developed a zero sum strategy aiming for 5940-0 bonus honor outcomes in AV because queue times were never like this in AV 1.12. Horde and alliance would each develop offense in most AVs played in vanilla. The metas were completely different.

Classic players are completely different and classic metas are completely different.

Any sizeable advantage (like the horde starting cave granting huge early game initiative) will be blown up into aiming for a 5940-0 advantage based on lengthy queue times combined with min-max player mentalities in 2020. The current horde meta is far too strong to have any sort of balanced outcomes in AV.


Alliance is losing almost every AV as a direct result of one of the changes though.

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hey Pre mades have existed since vanilla blame blizzard for allowing em just like they allow afk so blaming a faction besides everyone as a whole enjoy the queues times as it’s only going to get worse and people talking about wsg well that’ll die out soon enough

And you missed his point entirely because went for relativism which is also called dishonesty or dumbfullness in any topic about social elements.

Agreed people still living in 2006 and not 2020

Pretty much and horde premades during vanilla, pre and post xrealms had high winning streaks and %. You simply didn’t que during these times and in some cases you’d face 30+ horde from the same guild. Those guilds were hardcore, the only way to challenge them was when 10-20+ alliance from a pvp guild got in.

The metas weren’t like this in vanilla at all. All the exploits are known, all the best strats have been worked out.


– there’s a distinct lack of Coarse Stone compared to tin ore in tin nodes. #nochanges.

Why are you playing Classic WoW?

The problem is that AV is not in a healthy state right now. (Neither is WSG but that’s a story for another thread).

Right now due to 1+ hour queues, horde are aiming for 5940-0 wins and the map favors the horde attempting that kind of scorched earth strategy.

We all have to realize that less alliance will queue once they hit Exalted if they’re losing 95-99% of their matches. We’re already seeing it. How soon before we get 2 hour queues?

The game is not fun if there’s no semblence of balance in the BGs. There’s no reason to play a game where you don’t have any initiative on the map because once you see the horde capture SH GY, you know there’s a 5 minute timer before you’re stuck north of IWB.

We horde have to realize this too, and Blizzard needs to understand that if one side is winning 95-99% of the time, that BG won’t have much of a future.



This is where you’re wrong. Are you claiming they “allow them” because people arent banned for doing it? Seems to me that they just took steps to try to prevent them so which is it - Does Blizzard allow them like you claim, or does Blizzard realize its bad which is why they are trying out options to try to get rid of them?