AV map layout why is this not a priority. This was addressed and fix back in the day

This x100000000.

Map is clearly NOT balanced. Like no form of logic justifies this being fair. Anyone saying otherwise is full of sh*t and you’re deluding yourself if you think its not influencing the win rate in SOME WAY.

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And that’s just a simple easily noticeable, and indisputable advantage that occurs right at the start of every match.

There is NO WAY for an alliance to get to that damn flag to even interrupt the falg capture. It’s impossible so long as the horde have just 1 person on an epic mount.

And defending a flag cap with equal numbers is easier than assaulting one.

Argument can really be over at that point but we dive into more of the map’s nuances and it’s very easy to see what the hell is happening here.

“well just play better” is not an option to balance the map. If both sides are communicating and supporting and calling out and hearthing back, the imbalance still will fall on that which cannot be changed.

The map.

Guys the map isn’t balanced, the alliance should auto win when the game starts, only then will it be balanced.

imgur com/a/ZXEMrW6

Look at that image and tell me the map isn’t broken in favor of horde. Alliance 3x the amount of HKS, won every single team fight yet behind on objectives.

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Post on your main account, you coward.

We all know your’e one of the back pedaling noobs who can’t win a single BG without having an inherent advantage in the map so great that even bad players such as yourself somehow Forrest Gump your way to a win.

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Believe what you like, I know how to play and I don’t feel the need to prove it, nor armory attack anyone.

I’ve been here since vanilla as a hunter and could care less about your opinions. I just find it funny that allies blame the map so much when history, other classic regions, and facts disprove that the map is what is making horde win in AV.

At most the map give a slight edge to the alliance as all of their defence points can be locked down by a handful of pvp speced mages, to bad most of the mages I’ve fought against in there aren’t speced for their role in AV and are speced for single target damage (which is good in smaller BG, just not the massive BG that is AV)

The map is a very minor factor to the horde 90% winrate, most of the problem comes from alliance attitude as a whole.

I’ve found a minimum of 5 leechers/afk/bots on alliance side every game I’ve done in AV. It helps that I farm for invis potions and use them to get to the back line when I’m in que…

This actually was incredibly uncommon and was only really a thing if you were very antagonistic to the premade.

I sniped my way into a ton of high-end premade games back in the day (it was really easy if you knew how premades Q and depending on the time of day), sometimes the same premade 3+ matches in a row, and not a word was said nor did anything ever happen to me for it.

If you: Attempted to sabotage them, Harassed them in chat, or refused to give assist all while being antagonistic in chat.

Then maybe you had chance of getting report spammed and disconnected, but otherwise premades really don’t care about the pugs that mix in.

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It should NEVER be a thing. Period. Ever. There is no justification for putting a false strike on someone’s account . No amount of obnoxiousness or antagonism is a justification.

And while I am inclined to believe it was a small handful of premades groups doing it, the ones who were doing it were going completely ham.

Be upset with Blizzard for not using the original AV. When NPCs were buffed to hell in the original iteration, the Alliance had all of the advantages. Trying to cross that bridge with archers up was nearly impossible without some kind of huge push from NPCs. Hordes base could just be strolled right in to.

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At least most agree that the map is unbalanced. And that’s coming from Horde and Alliance players.


I am a druid, and I mobilize stealth teams all the time to get Lts or other objectives in the south.

The horde, 9 times out of 10, mass recall to obliterate us and take GYs/Towers back. You’re saying “strike team”? Nothing short of half the alliance team is going to give us a chance to actually do anything of significance on that side of the map when horde are pushing Stormpike GY and especially if they already have SHGY.

I’ve even seen lately, horde “strike teams” who sit at the known waiting spots for Lt killing groups, waiting to gank the groups who try to just get Lts before we lose. It’s why you see the term “scorched earth” getting thrown around. The horde know they have the advantage and they even rub it in our faces.

After maybe hundreds of times experiencing this? You’re damn right I’ve given up at the first sign.


They all left AV for WSG and AB