Av is dominated by av alliance premades led in discord

What map issues? Oh you must mean the litany of excuses. Just because there’s a lot of frenzied whining doesn’t mean there are map issues.

Also, a correct comeback would be you explaining how it is a big deal instead of just acting surprised, repeating what I said and telling me Im pulling your leg. But yeah, I think 3 horde soft capping a GY with a 5 minute timer 20 seconds before the other faction in a player versus player battleground isn’t a game breaker. Mostly because the game isnt decided by who gets to SF first or even who hard caps it first.

If only the alliance would have thought of this sooner.

Yeah sorry I dont actually believe in the horde or alliance. I play both sides because thats how I like my WoW. I mean, I get it, its fun to RP sometimes but I dont go as far as to actually think its real.

Since you went there though let me thank you on behalf of the alliance for finally showing up when you got nothing better to do and only care to do AV when the horde scrubs showed up and with an organized army at your back. The tough guy talk just exudes awesomeness and doesnt come off as desperation at all.

av seems like more of a slugfest than anyone really trying to win anymore.


Well obviously you conveniently forget I always said Blizzard should correct the “imbalances”. My point was always and is still that the “imbalances” while existing are far from being game breakers. The best proof of that despite all the examples and explanations I gave you and others is that Blizzard didn’t even care to change most of the “imbalances” when they made some changes on the map a few months ago.

Actually, some changes they made then created imbalances in favor of alliance yet you’re still complaining:

  1. Horde can no longer pass Icewing Bunker by the side while alliance can;
  2. Horde can no longer back door alliance base while alliance can still jump in horde base like a swiss cheese;

But my solutions were to address cheating (again) against allies premading (again) to win. You can rumble as much as you want about imbalances that are difficult to assess the impact but premading a game gives you an outsanding advantage over the opposite team and everyone knows that. Probably even you will not have the guts to say the opposite.

If that’s true explain your long q times

Perfect I’ll get my AB team ready to stomp you there too :joy:


Alliance on the whole queues less often than horde does for BG. Since 2004 horde was always the pvp faction so people drifted there for that reason

<3 wow I love this video


Horde now must to try hard to win AV ? … years winning free …AND JUST NOW THE GAME SUCKS ???


“All of them.” :laughing: And you seriously need help if you think talking in discord is cheating.

The map is still broken. Horde are just that terrible.


Simple question:

Do you think the starting point for both is balanced? Tell the truth. Look at the map. The Horde is halfway up our crack before we are down the hill.

There are multiple imbalances on the map. I always find it fascinating that people focus on the one with the least impact on the game. The “head start” doesn’t really matter much at all until TBC introduces reinforcements.

If you want to talk about the closeness of the cave to IBGY or the choke north of SHGY or the Bridge choke or the fact that the Treesus druids are summoning from the middle of an indefensible position or the fact that Treesus is clearly an idiot or the fact that FWGY is the most indefensible GY on the map or any number of other imbalances, I might entertain your commentary. Focusing on the time it takes for the very first push? Pretty low on my list of things that actually matter.

It’s the dawn of a new age.
Here have a hug. >(^.^)>

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How long is that age gonna last though? We’re starting to have that problem again where games are starting 40 horde vs 20 alliance. AV 1 that started at 1:20 PM EST is the most recent but its happened to me like 4 times in the last 2 days.

Everything has a downside - I just blew through two of those.


Guys in chat said its been happening all day. So we’re just doing that thing again where we trash talkin horde cuz they cant beat a premade while the premade simultaneously hands the horde free wins.


Lol fight with honor says the premade.

Says the faction with the massive map advantage.


The queue times are due to alliance desire to avoid a BG that might last beyond their short attention span.

I would be more than happy to once again cute the 2007 article where the exact opposite was occurring in AV, where horde was losing big, and they blamed it on the map.

Fast forward to just after blizzard crushes the premades due to that reason, and zyriusbodiccadriniblink decry “bLiZzArD hOrDe fAvOrItIsM”