Av is dominated by av alliance premades led in discord

If/When horde get around to using discord themselves we’ll be right back where we were a week or two ago with horde winning 95% of the time.


Yet it’s taking “premades” to overcome the cave spawn.
I see a lot of crying from horde recently, must mean alliance are cry babies :rofl:

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Cant wait to see what that lot say then.

Horde are so good their AV premade wins 95% of the time, clearly not the map, but you cant bring other BGs in as an argument!


The vocal Horde on this forum are so delusional they’ll fully believe it.


What i find funny is they are all literally trash at pvp too.

I know im not allowed to use arena ratings but they all post on retail toons and are all sub 1500 rated rofl.


Well, I can’t really speak as I haven’t PvPed in over a decade and am honestly mediocre at best.

I rolled on Skeram and had a damn blast pvping. We only left because of the dead economy, but zugs gonna zug, I guess.

But yes, every other expansion you have to elect a new Warchief becuase the previous one nuked a town or burned a city full of civilians.

Zugs gonna zug.

But AV gets changed to reinforcements in TBC. Horde will just post up at the IBT choke and win by kills.

Except the horde cave rez gets fixed in TBC as well as the horde cave being moved back. Which makes that harder to do.

Makes it much harder to do as a horde turtle will never rez 20 at a time like it does now.

Which is why I made that statement. They are currently still losing with a 20 rez cave right infront of where alliance goes north.


Things are equalizing now, and this Ally Discord may be the best thing that’s happened for us Horde. We’re back to winning more often than not, and our queue times went from an hour and a half to two hours down to less than ten minutes. Loving it. :slight_smile:


Horde rage is amusing.



Well in my honest opinion AV was never based around skilled players neither was it true PvP content. It was more a means to escape full premade groups, but that’s now came and went for the 2nd time

AV is more a sit inside Orgrimmar/Stormwind /afk queued PvE content that feels like LFG that we first saw in WotLK but instead we got a spicy McChicken sandwich

If I was to truly compare AV I would say it’s a version in which you can queue for like LFG phase 2 of Blackrock Mountian… where players go full on Zug Mode sacrificing their body over and over

In my honest opinion your honest opinion sucks.


To me it’s the best of the BG experience. PvP on both a tactical and strategic level. Great stuff.

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Newsflash: your horde/alliance tribalism is pretty stupid, the majority of this game has played horde and alliance in their time, the player base is all the same players.

It really is bizarre to me that the community can easily (and almost 100% of the time) agree that in PvE the skillcaps of both factions is roughly equal but the alliance have paladins so naxx is much easier and the same community cannot come to the conclusion that the alliance are probably equally good at pvp just have pretty obvious disadvantages (like every map favoring horde & horde having extremely good pvp racials). Really weird that all those superior super skilled pvp horde players are just not able to do pve content as good as all those terrible alliance players, despite pve being so easy, isn’t it? Could it be that the horde aren’t really all that good and suck as much as the alliance do ?

I’ve seen some really stupid arguments in here

“The alliance premade are winning, see, it wasn’t the map at all!” is possibly close to the most dumb, shoutout to the genius that came up with this

Who wants to bet that a bunch of druid players suddenly become extremely skilled at pvp in tbc? who wants to bet that a bunch of human players suddenly become amazing in wotlk? lol

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Lol, good. If they’re taking the time and effort to coordinate in Discord, they deserve to stomp you.

I agree with this having played both sides like many people. The player base is the same. People are the same on both sides. Raiding is mostly the same and depends more on the guild for the people you will play with than the faction in-game.

I also ranked (PVPed) on both sides specifically to see the differences and made friends when I did it alliance side which made me keep playing. I’ve seen good and bad players on both sides. The only difference I found is while playing alliance vs horde with premades in AB and WSG is they tended to give up easier for HPH BUT this was summer ranking when the serious players were done AND the horde at that point was doing things the same thing like townhalling in AB (my horde team NEVER did this because the queues were 20 minutes, allies did this from the start. We might have done so had queues been shorter, in fact, due to our queues we farmed them at the stables until we had 7-8 kills on them so that was just a different mindset but the same player base wanting the same thing which was honor per hour).

Horde players have certain complaints (paladins can spin flags forever and don’t die) and allies have certain complaints (ele shammies are OP) which I can see playing both.

Anyway, I do see people on both sides saying specific things about the other side… although this is kind of one thing that makes Classic special too though. Faction rivalry is a pretty awesome thing. When I’m on my horde I hate the alliance and when I’m on my alliance I hate the horde but for me, it’s in an RP way because I don’t really hate the player base although I do dislike some of the actual players.

In this case with the AV map debate, there’s more to it though because first of all I agree there is an imbalance. Secondly, it really is hard as an individual player to deal with huge losses especially when half your team doesn’t give a crap. I wrote a long post about it with AV, at that time I said it, horde is easy mode and alliance is hard more. For that time period, I will still say that’s true.

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If/When horde decide to start using discord like alliance are we’ll be right back where were a few weeks ago. Horde win rates will go back to 95% plus and most alliance will just abandon AV again.


