AV Cave Rez situation

Current day conditions=map, player base, exc.

Is your reading comprehension that bad?

Your historical evidence ignores context, therefore its meaningless. Horde didnt do what they are doing now back then, therefore the comparison to history is irrelevant.

Your sociological factors do not stand up to cold hard mathematical statistics. There is no universe that exists where a 95% winrate wouldn’t imply some sort of Imbalance in literally any other aspect of life.

It’s literally ALL about the map and only the map. Like how blind does somebody have to be to ignore the biggest elephant in the room to focus on anything infinitely lesser


All reasonable.


I can see the human factor being a contribution. However, I seriously doubt that the map is a 0% contribution while the human factor is 100%.

Even if the map is a small contribution it still should be fixed. At the very least the starts should be randomized to even out that contribution. Then we can work on the human factors.

By the way, simply saying “oh it’s the people” isn’t a solution. What you then need to say is “How do we get those people to the right place?” Telling them they’re wrong over and over again isn’t the way to do that. Instead, maybe they need to be given a shred of hope in order to rekindle their desire to win and fight.

It’s going to take Blizzard to step in and change the game because there’s nothing either side can do in the current situation. The horde are locked into their long queues and turtle victories and the alliance are locked into their short queues and lose quickly. Neither side has a viable way out of this without extreme effort and coordination, something that Blizzard has discouraged with their changes.

I salute the horde in finding the optimal way to win given the current AV situation. However, we all end up losing with the way things worked out. Horde have long queues but nearly certain wins and alliance have quick queues but nearly certain losses. What a horrible game to play…

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And yet you don’t attempt to refute a single point made about the cave - IB GY situation which is the absolute crux of the problem here.

If the spawn GY order is changed and horde rez at FW GY, then that would entirely fix the problem because instead of defending against defensive waves emanating from the nearby cave in groups up to 20, alliance would only have to defend against waves of 10 from the farther GY… which is the exact same behavior that horde face in the north side of the map at SH GY.

The horde defensive position at IB GY is too strong and it’s the only logical offensive starting point for alliance because of how the map works in building a chain of offensive GYs until you get to the one nearest to the final objective (Vann/Drek).


First of all, their backups would not be coming from the same place. Someone dying at SFGY would respawn at AS. Secondly, they really aren’t expecting backups. If SHGY gets taken, backups aint-a-cummin. If SHGY still hasn’t been capped by horde, reinforcements will still have a hard time getting there and can be pretty easily stopped if horde has hard capped SFGY, which is why the push for IBGY has to be immediate. The hope is to get enough people down to IBGY that you can hold it for the time required to hard cap. Hopefully between waves your healers can get out of combat and rez a person or two. Once it hard caps, you just have people suicide and ghost run down.

The implicit understanding is that you have to be substantially better than the horde team for this to work, and everyone realizes it has a low chance of success. But it’s better than just sitting at SHGY.

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Horde have to get past alliance cave Rez up north, it’s a difficult to pass there as well.

The reason horde get past at all is because by that time alliance have given up because their rep turn ins are done.

Both horde and alliance have to deal with the cave Rez issue. One is up front on our first defending position and the other is the final base.

With the cave Rez being at alliance final base, back up with more NPC bunkers, the bridge, exc. It’s stronger than what horde have because it’s compounding effect to the best choke point in the game. However as I stated earlier alliance have given up by this point in the game because their pve rep farm simulator has run dry.

Just a friendly reminder to report redheadchild posts for trolling.


Don’t do that. It’s not a violation of ToS to be an idiot.


Don’t be closed minded he could easily be both.


Nope. You only rez in the cave after SPGY is taken. Once the alliance is wiped out at SPGY all the dead go to the cave. The horde then have free reign to head across the bridge and pretty much abandon SPGY because they now own the superior choke in AV: The bridge!

So horde never really have to get past the alliance cave rez.

I’ve explained this to you several times already. Are you ok? Do you have some sort of memory issue?


I know, its just that your response is so perfect!! I know you’re not RedRam

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You very much need to work on your positioning then…

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As I mentioned it’s a BG with tons of random people. If we could join as a group then maybe there would be some organization. This is just random people doing random things.

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Then work on teaching your faction how to play.

Make YouTube AV videos showing them where to die to Rez at air station and cave.

You want to blame the map, but it’s your faction not using their map advantages because they don’t know what they are doing.

You’re funny. Of course I’ve done my best to educate people. Look at how patient I’ve been with you!

Obviously it doesn’t work.


Trying to “teach” me to be a sheep that just accepts the false narrative of the alliance screaming map imbalance because of their misguided perception of the map?

Ya no, sorry for using logic to understand the map isn’t the issue causing a 99% loss rate.

You can’t argue with ignorance man. Best to just ignore the troll.


Sheep are less dangerous than rams? Are you a ram or a sheep?