AV Cave Rez situation

Yeah I know, I know. The horde dont even need to leave the cave. They can just collectively AFK in there while the alliance try their hardest to win but because of the map layout the horde NPCs are super buffed and just wipe the alliance repeatedly until a single horde druid sneezes on the alliance bridge and 1 shots Vann.

Then you log into your alliance 60 and queue AV and watch the alliance to do everything to lose while the horde do everything to win. You could be killing the horde at better than a 2 -1 ratio but the alliance wont leave the GYs.

I don’t see the best alliance teams during AV week-end, only more try-harders and less afk/rep defeatism.

Alliance is still down the hill, traumatized by alliance rankers who suddenly left AV at the same time in February. No one can expect a sudden 50% win rate during AV week-end because of that . Yet alliance wins more often during AV week end. But the map is the same.

Does the win rate in AV for alliance normalize to what it is in the other BG’s?

It’s a yes or no question. And if it’s no it’s a map problem.

No, normalize winning rate does not means it’s a map problem. You don’t seem to read what I write before replying to it, at least not entirely.

After years of losing, you can’t expect a sport team to suddenly have great morale and skills and win like a normal team. They need some support. A new coach, better players, high morale. It’s a long process too. AV week-end have that kind of impact.

You still can’t explain why alliance wins more during AV week-end. How alliance can win more if it’s the same map ? Maybe they can even win more ? Who knows.

The last time I played AV was on AV weekend and didn’t win a single match.

Anyone who thinks this is a player problem is just stupid and not worth replying to.

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Nah it’s because you made your team lost cause you’re a lowbie.

Of course I’m joking but I don’t like people full of themselves insulting others. Yeah yeah, sure, you’re right and everyone else is “stupid”. But that’s ok since I can kill you all day in bracket 50-59 on my twink haha.

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So the horde still win 80% of the time, even when alliance are trying? Sounds like there may be some map imbalance in there. At the very least there’s likely to be a lot more factors than simply “alliance bad”.

When more alliance are trying, it goes from maybe half of the alliance trying to at least 3/4 of the alliance trying.

It removes a lot of the dead weight players by having a higher percentage of players that actually want to try

There simply is no 20% victory for Alliance whether it’s AV weekend or some random Wednesday morning. It’s NEVER 20%. I doubt it even “climbs” to 3%.

There’s no way to know for sure what the actual percentages are, but I can tell you I played AV to r11. I would say the win rate for Alliance as of a few weeks ago was less than 1%.

This tripe about Alliance suddenly winning 20% of their matches on AV weekend is made up out of thin air. It’s a lie.

For it to be any bigger of a difference than about 55:45 indicates major problems, even if it did go from 95% win rate to 80% win rate.

I don’t care if it’s the map or the players, it’s Blizzard’s game and they allowed it to get this lopsided. The faction system was broken from the start, this is just another symptom of that.

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Oh hi. AV 1.12 still a thing, eh?

Right on cue the same few desperate to cling on to their easy mode wins deny the map issues and blame the players.

On AV weekend on Allinace side you tend to see more people that have spent time doing the honor grind, have PvP talents specs, have PvP orientated gear. I wonder why alliance gets more wins on AV weekends, I dont understand it!!!

And still loses 80% of the time, even with all that. Hmm…

No. More like 97% of the time.

I’m simply going with the current overestimate. Both numbers are ridiculous.

The problem with you guys is you will just not admit anything. On our side we admitted there is map imbalances but we are arguing that the impact might not be that great and that Alliance loses for other reasons. Besides, there is map imbalances in favor of alliance too. But that no one ever talks about it.

You can’t just say alliance win only 1% of AV because of map imbalances. It doesn’t prove anything. I mean Alliance could stay idle in the cave and loses 99% of its games. But you would still blame the map imbalances. It does not make any sense.

You can’t only blame map imbalances. They are not that strong. There is also map imbalances in alliance favors. Alliance loses for other reasons:

  1. Rankers left in February because they could not premade AV anymore (i.e.: alliance lost their best players. All at the same time);
  2. Alliance gave up and mostly focus reputation farming;
  3. Alliance have instant queues so they don’t care too much;
  4. Horde have to wait 1hour + so they give everything to win.

Also, a very important point : if map imbalances are that great, why do you think Blizzard doesn’t change it ? They already modified lots of other stuff in AV lately.

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They win more because better players choose to que and there are so few matches you can actually q sync and get 15 people in. Are you really this dumb?

If it were true that it wasn’t largely map imbalances you would see win rates across all BG’s be very similar to each other.

Most competitive games see something as massively broken balance wise if it has like a 54% or more win rate.

Like a league of legends hero with a more than 52% win rate is considered very over powered if they push like 56% its considered insanely broken.

But the fact that WSG and AB don’t have the same win loss ratios, with the same player pools tell you exactly how broken the AV map is.

Horde aren’t magically 99% better than alliance at AV.

We could literally experiment with this if they simply swapped which side the factions got for a day.

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Your ignoring HPH efficiency, que time vs game duration (when trying to win), and the fact the other 2 BGs don’t have pve side quests to farm rep with but instead your rep gain is only decided by your kills/win loss in the other two BGs.

These are factors that are effecting AV winrates. But you ignore them.

They aren’t the same player pool. That’s pretty much his point. That said, I don’t know that either side has top shelf players queuing anymore so something that was true in February is unlikely to be true now.
There is an element of “I am sticking this out” on the Horde side that many Alliance side players refuse to acknowledge. It isn’t any kind of 99% win rate stick to it or anything like that, but it does exist. And that’s not a blame statement either. If I played Alliance, I would /afk at the slightest whiff of the game taking longer than 20 minutes and my side just doing alright too. That’s how it was on my server Horde side in Vanilla. We had short queues. Game looks like trash that will take too long? /afk.
Again, that’s not saying there isn’t a map imbalance. There is. Some of the issues are straight up bugs too providing zero excuse to not be fixed (the SFGY respawn location to anywhere but SHGY is trash and I refuse to believe it was intended). Unfortunately I don’t think Blizzard is going to make changes to the map even though they should make them. I think most of the player base agrees on this.
Straight up. The map as it is currently situated is unbalanced. There should be changes made to improve the balance. Many of those changes have been discussed in this thread.