AV Cave Rez situation

This contingent you speak of gets to res closer 20 at a time than alliance do when trying to take their gy back. They also aren’t fighting uphill into the smallest bottleneck on the map. What part of this is hard to comprehend for you dolts?

Do you even read what I am responding to or just spout off some trash while thinking it is clever? I am responding to someone saying all Horde does is zerg. We don’t.
There is no commentary on whether the cave location is an advantage (it is). There is no commentary on whether the current Horde strategy is difficult to implement (it isn’t). There is no commentary on whether the map is fair (it isn’t). There is no commentary on whether the alliance are afking out regularly (they are). There is no commentary on why they are doing so (complex issue that involves map imbalance, short queues, general apathy towards the map). There is no commentary about whether horde or alliance are better (at this point there is literally no difference in skill level queuing for AV).
So, why don’t you just take your ill-informed statement and go back to throwing it at a comment where it actually might apply. K. Thx. Bye.

So you admit horde have all the advantages and you still care to argue if the strat is just zerg or not lol. In the grand scheme of things does it matter? They play in a way that abuses the cave, the head start, the safe spawning of lok and the shgy bottleneck.

Which if you look at the map all of this spells out is they res and run at shgy repeatedly. When they die they respawn at ibgy and do it again. If alliance attacks ibgy and soft cap oh then they spawn 20 at a time in the cave and what do they do? Oh they zerg towards shgy again. They eventually overwhelm the people at ibgy and it’s back to zerging.

Pretending it’s more than that is dumb.

And? If the tables were reversed Alliance would do the same thing. You know, just like how they abused the queuing system to get into premades for a couple of months. Don’t give me some holier than thou crap.

I will just quote this in all its glorious stupidity as exhibit A on how Horde could lose a map tilted in our favor. Behold fellow Hordies! This is our new magnificent strategy!

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Of course alliance would do the same thing. Difference is I wouldn’t be foolish enough to sit here defending it like you do. There’s no strategy to it, it’s abusing a rigged map.

There is plenty of strategy to it. Just because you don’t care to understand the strategy doesn’t mean it is a straight zerg. I never thought I would say this, but I actually think Ziryus describes the Horde strategy more accurately and that is saying something.
Now, is the strategy as detailed as the Alliance side? Not even close. Straight up, Alliance are on the hard mode side of the map. #rotatestartlocations! #vivalarotate!

Didn’t read what you said. All you horde should be saying is something along the lines of: “Map is broken horde have it easy mode.” Anything other than that is pretending horde actually earn wins in av and is nonsense.


SH GY is also harder for the alliance to defend since the defenders can be attacked on two side or can be ignored completely. When the horde is defending they have the high ground at a tight choke point where the alliance can’t pass it and the defender’s healers out of view and out of range.

Alliance don’t choose to “turtle” SH GY. The GY gets taken over by the Horde and they block the choke point until they cap the GY. The alliance has no choice in the matter.

SnowFall GY is impossible to hold. It’s a very small platform with two avenues of approach. It takes a smaller force to take it than it does to hold it.

With an equally good group of Horde players there is no strategy to win AV the map is against it and the horde rezzing 20 at a time while the alliance rezzes 10 at a time means eventually the horde will outnumber the alliance and will push the past SH GY and then it’s a long wait to lose the match while SH GY gets taken.

looks like someone gets a little sensitive when you simplify the horde zerg.
When you compare what alliance has to do to win and what horde has to do it is night and day. Zerg SH may not be the complete battle plan but it’s pretty close to all you have to do to secure a victory.
The die hards will still come here and try to tell alliance how they should play to win claiming the map is fine it’s all about the players but any adult thats played AV knows the map and in particular rez points are what has caused this one sided farce of a battleground.

It’s just zerg SHGY to win, let’s be real.

Then since alliance are no longer close by summon Lok and Bat riders to take SPGY.


Of course it’s zerg shgy lol. Like I said above saying otherwise is nonsense. It’s people wanting to pretend they aren’t handed everything in av that it’s some magical set of skills that only has an effect in av and doesn’t appear in the others bgs lol.

The horde are handed everything in AV…the alliance give it to them.

The horde don’t need to defend.

Think about how that impacts the game.

Alliance no matter the strat NEED to defend SHGY with people, which limits their offense because they NEED a graveyard in the middle of the map.

The horde don’t need to defend anything because they will always have a graveyard in the middle of the map that can’t be taken.

Just that advantage alone is massive.

“horde should stop defending and go back to the race meta”

“When you cap soft something horde send half their team to retake it”

“Horde don’t need to defend”

Your story keeps changing over the course of this thread.

Just saying.

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Weird that “just zerg SHGY” strat doesn’t work that much during the AV week-end. maybe because alliance try ?

Except it does work, win rates don’t normalize to what they are in the other BG’s on AV weekend, or even get close to them.

Not a good argument.

When you go from a normal 1% victory in AV to an average 20% victory during AV Week-end it needs a good explanation. Cause if the map is so imbalanced, how do you explain winning rate goes higher suddenly ? Cause alliance try harder.

If the best teams alliance can possible expect in AV can’t get past a 10-15% win ratio it’s a map problem.

If it was just a player problem the win rates would normalize to what they are in the other BG’s, but they don’t.