AV Cave Rez situation

I don’t change forum posters every time I change mains. Keeps my post history consistent and doesn’t hide my views from the past.

I initially decided to make this my forum toon because realm transfers were breaking post history back in cata and I want a consistent toon to post on.

I’m not trying to hide anything as I’ve openly admitted which faction I play multiple times.

If your a horde main now good for you, but you did claim you were leaving classic behind so your sudden switch was cause for suspicion on your reason for it. I’ll take your would at face value though. Enjoy having a full team trying to win past the initial clash. Helps to win a lot.

I picked alliance with friends in classic, they are picking horde for TBC, so I’m lvling horde now.

I’m still doing shadowlands prepatch as horde on area 52. I have 2 50s there I leveled up fresh, working on a high mountain warrior now.

I’m lvling a tauren shaman in classic while I do it.

I get it. I would have gone alliance if my friends didn’t pick horde. And I’m more excited for TBC than I was for classic.

I’ve always been a hunter main so if you ever want to learn hunter tricks for classic or TBC let me know and I’m glad to teach (if you decide to make a hunter as well) as I try my best to remove the huntard stigma by teaching newer hunters.

I hope you have fun in TBC.

I have a 60 dwarf hunter., 60 mage, 60 rogue, 60 pally, 60 priest and a 60 warlock.

Good to hear, the only class I truly enjoy the playstyle of is hunter, so I’ve got a 60 hunter and a 52 mage. It’s been a real struggle to level the mage (I don’t boost) and I’m tempted to just make a second hunter for the professions I made the mage for.

#sigh. That’s not how the Horde strat works, but ok. Seriously, when Alliance post nonsense like this it does not help your case. If all Horde did was zerg SHGY regardless of what Alliance did we would lose to any semi competent Alliance group.

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Except horde get to make an actual choice at that point, after soft capping SHGY horde now have the choice to send some back to defend or just keep zerging. So either go for scorched earth and a long game with a guaranteed win or a ~50% win rate and a short game.

Now sure the alliance counter is to turtle SHGY, but that only works until the ice guy is summoned. And is a certain alliance loss.

Getting ahead of yourself. Horde have to take SHGY first and that’s the part of this “all Horde do is zerg SHGY” trash that I am taking issue with. SHGY is the goal. Since February, I have never seen a game where Horde ignores what the Alliance is doing and focus solely on SHGY. So the idea that “all Horde has to do is zerg SHGY” is false and it definitely wouldn’t work. But I have explained all of this to you in detail repeatedly. This is for the other person’s benefit.


I didn’t get ahead of myself, I addressed what happens when alliance turtle SHGY.

And you’re right horde can take SHGY without all 40 while alliance are actually trying to push southern objectives.

I think the ultimate objective is SHGY regardless of anything. Horde get to SFGY before alliance and can cap it before alliance even get there.

With the IBGy defense the cave provides horde will always trade IBGY for SHGY. As once that happens the games over.

Which is an issue in of itself, horde don’t need to actually defend IBGY ever, they just need to go recap it after they take SHGY, the less alliance defending SHGY the better, makes capping easier and back capping IBGY using the cave easier.

I’d argue horde only need to zerg SHGY while also taking SFGY. Any alliance not at SHGY makes capping it easier. Even then, sfgy is minor.

If horde aren’t zerging SHGY like you think, then where are the horde going? Are they farming harpies? There’s literally 2 spots they can go and that’s sfgy or SHGY, and we clearly know which one has more significance.


Defending IBGY, assaulting/defending SFGY. Attacking towers, sneaking past SHGY to cap past it to draw alliance north, going after Bal, exc.

There’s a lot of options. Some of them are for distractions, some are to improve reinforcement of horde, exc.

Divide and conquer is a strategy I have used in a few AVs (invis potions because I can’t stealth).

Options are there to do something other than assaults SHGY that can help result in the capture of SHGY in the long run.

You winning SHGY just matters how many players you send at it and how many alliance show up to defend it. If too many alliance go to other objectives the games over pretty fast.

Kind of silly to say that other objectives are being done when the only objective that needs to be done first Is for horde to cap SHGY. Once that happens nothing else matters as you can back cap literally everything before alliance get a graveyard to Rez at.

That’s one of the major issues with AV as alliance. The clear cut strat horde has that can’t be countered because even if they lose Ibgy it’s not like they Rez at RH or FWGY, there is no penalty for them in AV.

That’s all objective based pvp.

“It depends on how many horde vs alliance go to the objective”…

There are objectives to take, using other objectives to draw alliance away from the one horde want for pushing toward the north is called strategy.

I’ve advised alliance in doing some of this but they claim they shouldn’t have to.

The only reason horde can just Zug Zug is because after about 30 minutes enough alliance give up or afk out and even before that they are rarely using much strategy so horde don’t have to respond with much strategy.

Team one uses strategy “A” 99% of the time.

Team two used strategy “C” which counters strategy A every game.

Team one wonders why they are losing when they never try strategy “B” because they only play strategy “A” and expect different results.

The definition of *nsanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results-Albert Einstein

Try using more guerrilla tactics and less throwing bodies against a wall.

If you change your strategy it forces horde to change ours. If we keep Zug zugging we will lose if alliance try strategies outside of throwing bodies against us or full defence on SHGY.

You can’t win if you don’t have some people being offensive.

I think this is where you get lost.

Alliance need to be Offensive and DEFENSIVE.

Horde get to just be offensive.

They dont need to defend anything until shgy is capped. They have no penalty for losing ibgy or anything.

Which is a massive advantage for horde.

Cave bails them out at every turn and these horde somehow don’t grasp that.


They can’t grasp that the strat that works currently for them wouldn’t be as effective if their cave wasnt right there to hold their hand.

If the cave was like the alliance cave at their last graveyard they would actually need to defend instead of all offense.

Yeah some of them are just flat out bad at pvp and strategy in general with a complete lack of understanding of how AV works. There’s one guy who thinks 20 rezzing at the cave is no different than 10 rezzing at a normal GY. There’s another guy who thinks GY’s in AV work the same as they do in AB and that terrain has no impact on pvp. There’s multiple horde who think alliance can win by turtling in DB because the bridge is so awesome.

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It isn’t a matter of what I think. It is a matter of fact. If you don’t know this, you probably shouldn’t be commenting on how Horde approach AV. The Horde are reacting to whatever the Alliance do. Alliance go to IBGY? A large contingent (probably 20-25) will chase. Alliance go past and try to rush? Horde will follow. Alliance go to SFGY? Horde will have a large contingent that head there. It will keep going like this until SHGY eventually falls. If Alliance send people out, Horde will counter those people. There will always be some contingent of Horde pressuring SHGY. But what I am describing isn’t a zerg. You know when you get a zerg? When Alliance turtle SHGY. That is literally the only time it happens.
But you knew that right? Right.


Your ignoring the fact alliance cave let’s you do something very similar.

Alliance can use SPGY as a bait to help get alliance south.

Let’s say horde soft cap SPGY. Well alliance now Rez at the cave and ASGY.

You can use the cave Rez to easily outnumber horde with your respawns while using ASGY to prevent horde from moving forward. While using a flanking maneuver to have easy access to healer slaughter.

This means alliance can bait a soft cap at SPGY to have 3X the spawn power horde do.

This means alliance can successful defend with a much stronger respawn advantage and still send a group south for offensive without horde even seeing it until it’s at SHGY or farther. This is a flanking strategy where you bring most horde north then take what you want in the south, even if it’s just a race to the boss.

But alliance almost never use their cave advantage.

And again I say this.

Horde cave advantage is a 2X spawn.
Alliance cave advantage is a 3X spawn from closer to the soft capped GY from both sides than horde cave.

Yet you ignore that.

And why do alliance not use their cave advantage? Because it could result in a long game. Alliance have short que times and don’t want long games. The rep farm is more efficient to lose 4 games in a row in 2 hours than to win one game in 2 hours.

I win about 80% of WSG matches and about 95% of AB. I don’t believe for a second that Horde suddenly get super powers when they enter AV.

The turtling the bridge strat is about the most ill thought out bunch of craziness yet. Why don’t you guys stand there and turtle until you win?