AV Cave Rez situation

I was also a dev until April and I completely agree with you on all points. It has been baffling to me that this hasn’t gotten small changes that have limited impact on the “vanilla” like quality of the game while actually making the map more balanced.

I can’t fathom it because I have literally never seen it. I also have been in AVs periodically since the BG opened and outside of the first two weeks where both sides had fairly even queues and were racing, it has never come up. This is especially true in recent games where the strategy has literally always been to intercept. I haven’t played a single AV in the last 4 months where we didn’t look to intercept. And then the one person who says they have seen it is someone who’s opinion I don’t trust and that person is backing another person who’s opinion I don’t trust.
It isn’t about snotty behavior. I don’t think your statements are always entirely truthful and I definitely don’t think they are always accurate. Interestingly enough, I haven’t seen a single other Alliance player say they have seen Horde ignore an Alliance group of 25 or more. Haven’t seen another Horde player say it. So why would I believe you when literally no one else has spoken up and found that 1 game out of 1000 to reference?
As for your sarcasm, it looked a whole lot like a bunch of your other “suggestions” so excuse me for not reading in the “fun” you supposedly meant. Personally, I don’t care what you think of me. Somehow, I don’t think I am missing out. Feel free to block me. It won’t hurt my feelings at all.

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And there you go.

And now you’re not being truthful.

I don’t believe for a second you mistook my post for anything other than sarcasm.

And the truth is I’m not the only one you’ve behaved like this towards.

I literally didn’t think that was sarcasm. Believe what you want. And yeah, I have a tendency to trash posts I think are garbage. We all have our flaws.

A good part of why alliance lose is they give up before the game is done though.

The map is a factor, but having 5-10 of your teammates start leaching as they wait for the game to end after the initial clash doesn’t soft cap IBGY plays a far bigger impact in that loss rate for alliance than the map does.

I’ve gone out of my way to expose this truth with screenshots and it got fully ignored or I got insulted and was somehow the maps fault as well as if the map forced people to afk/ leach…

The map is one of many factors contributing to that loss rate. And it is not the major factor alliance map criers want us to believe it is.

I think the map should see things fixed on it. But I do not believe it is the sole reason horde win most of their games.

Like I said, you’re a bad person. Or a very stupid one. Or both.

Don’t see why not. You claim you trash garbage posts . . . I just don’t bother reading garbage players.


That’s because it wasn’t sarcasm.

He genuinely wants those changes.

I read his posts but I don’t reply to most of them because it’s usually not worth it. He’s stuck in his little world where anyone who has a different opinion than him is either trolling or is a “bad person”.

It was intended.

It was literally in Vanilla.

Premading was in Vanilla.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about, maybe don’t talk about it?

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Yeah dont you guys remember all those AV premades back in the day? /s

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I do remember premades back in Vanilla. But there weren’t a ton of them and they tended to be maybe 20 people or less. It just wasn’t as much of a problem back in the day but it was possible.

This is why I think that changes are a good thing, stuff gets used/exploited more these days. But it shouldn’t have been eliminated, just curbed a bit.

Yes yes, this tired response. There were premades in Vanilla. That doesn’t make it intended nor does it mean that premades in Vanilla weren’t using the exact same exploit that premades in Classic were using. The idea that this wasn’t done via exploiting the queue system is laughable.
Straight up. If premades were intended for AV, you would be able to queue as a raid for them. That’s the response to your silly argument. Feel free to throw out any number of retorts, but it all boils down to this single statement. It wasn’t intended behavior because Blizzard didn’t build it into the game natively.

All Blizz has to do is either make it so horde dying at a non/soft capped SF respawn in their base or have alliance dying there respawn at SHGY. Thats it.

Not really

Al it does is prove that even back in the original days of WoW , Alliance players will spend enormous amounts of time fabricating problems and ‘facts’ that don’t actually exist.

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Why not just move the cave rather than add an entirely new mechanic - a delay? It’s not like the map doesn’t already exist. Other bgs strive for balance. This one should too.

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I wouldn’t even change the map, just fix the rez order so cave is always last priority and see how it shakes.

Even some the most adamant horde advantage deniers have agreed that’s an issue, even if they try to follow it up by saying it wouldn’t matter anyways because horde are just magically better at AV.

What the horde do isnt black magic. They kick alliance butt all the same.

At all events, I can’t even believe some people are arguing one faction should be able to premade and the other not. Total non sense.

At this point, I think he is suggesting the least invasive changes possible with what is perceived as the easiest to code with minimal testing load required to ensure the changes function correctly. Unfortunately, changing the cave location at this point would probably require a fair amount more involvement and while it is unlikely that anything gets altered, at least the changes Graff is suggesting don’t actually do much as far as recoding stuff. Perfect world, I think most people think that cave location should be changed.
Feel free to tell me if I am wrong Graff lol.

Moving the horde cave back would mean the alliance cave would need to be moved away from SPGY aka a monstrous headache that Blizz wants no part of. If you want to go that route just shut the caves and let everyone start off from their base GYs.