The game isn’t played in a vacuum. Player skill, gear, and motivation do count. If some of those things are lacking then it’s up to the people running the game, Blizzard, to create an environment where they can be bolstered and brought back to acceptable levels.
An extreme lack of skill, gear, and/or motivation on the alliance side was brought about from years of a similar PVP slide in Retail. Many people, prior to Classic’s launch, were planning on rolling horde for a long list of reasons ranging from PVP racial abilities, to strong PVP horde-only items like the Horned Viking Helmet, to the advantages that elemental shaman had in Vanilla PVP, and so on.
No matter what the reason Blizzard needs to work on a solution. If it’s player apathy then do something. If it’s the map then do something. If there are other reasons then do something! So far they’ve been doing the worst thing, nothing.
“if I’m failing it’s blizzards fault and they should fix it”
Contrary to your beliefs blizzard shouldn’t be making changes because of a player born issue of not trying or not investing the time/resources the win in a BG.
Exploits should be fixed, people not trying shouldn’t not be given a handicap. If you want that type of game go play LFR in retail. It’s made easy just so you can feel like you won.
PvP shouldn’t never be balanced by players not trying, it should be balanced for the top end with some consideration for lower skills, but not the bottom of the barrel level skills.
If you want an easy mode game that you will win without skill/gear then don’t look for it in an MMORPG PvP scene, go play a single player game on easy or go to retail pve LFR difficulty.
If anything, they need to alleviate the allowed group size from 5 to maybe 15 or 20 people. Lock it so one group of 20 can enter at a time, because you can’t coordinate in AV with only 5 people. 20 premades, 20 pugs, now that’s something that can be done.
Fornthe most part yes. They premade other battlegrounds until the point where people are capping out and reliable teams can’t be formed. Then it’s off to av on the bonus weekend. By Monday almost all of them are done.
Horde queue times right now are a result of them playing scorched earth, they could stop doing that and they’d go back to 30ish minutes where they were when AV released.
Sure they’d go down to a ~50% win rate but then if they’re playing 3 times as many games they actually come out ahead.
You need to stop. We had 45-1 hour queue times even when alliance had premades and 10 minute games. Stop spewing this trash. It isn’t accurate. It also makes you sound stupid.
And I would be far less insulting if I hadn’t literally told you this 5-6 (probably more) other times in previous posts. If you want to ignore facts and keep spewing trash, I will keep calling you out on it.
I lost enough 10 minute games to tell you that you are full of it. Again, Horde isn’t going to play a race game with 40+ minute queues. So stop pretending that somehow a change in approach would mean much of anything to Horde. It wouldn’t. The only faction it benefits is the Alliance.
You lost some 10 minute games. I had enough not 10 minute games to tell you that you are full of it claiming all alliance had 10 minute games every time.
And stop pretending that horde queue times wouldn’t come down if they stopped playing scorched earth.
I don’t recall saying all games were 10 minute games. The majority definitely were. Probably 1 in 6 were pug on pug for me during that time.
Horde queue times wouldn’t come down if we stopped denying all objectives. That piddly amount of extra honor would attract very few additional alliance. If Horde adopted a race strategy, our queue times would go down, but the amount of Rep / Honor would drop and it would make rotating in the other BGs harder. It would also make the BG quite boring so someone like me would never queue. I guess for people like you who only want to PvE while in a BG it makes sense though.
In a 10 minute game where horde lose they still get all the lt’s cap SHGY and burn a few towers and they’re getting a lot more honor/rep than alliance are right now losing in a 30+ minute game where horde have played scorched earth.
And even if their queue times only got cut in half horde would still come out ahead if they stopped playing scorched earth.
“if horde stop playing the map how it was designed to be played we would all be happier with the race meta and horde still having super long que times, they just wouldn’t be as long”
Ya no, the reason horde do “scorched earth” as you like to call it is because of the super long que times combined with the fact that how the map was designed to be played.
There was a specific thread about this that was left to rot. It is a huge thing that should have been kept at the surface of the forum. It should also be a hot topic in the bug forum.