AV as alliance is the worst thing ever

Alliance give up immediately, don’t even try, it’s literally 80% of your team afking, me and one other guy trying to fight off 30 horde is what AV is. Completely broken. I give up, only I am not going to bother doing AV, the rewards are trash anyway just like Onyxia loot, not even worth it.


I’m pretty sure the time I had stage 4 cancer was worse.


They need to bumrush IBGY and take it asap, most horde are clueless and wont play D

alot of alliance just sit at SHGY afking though

Only has good loot consider its HPH

man, i can’t believe you waited out an entire 8 hour queue just for 1 video game lol. you’re crazy man

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Although I feel your pain I’ve learned to accept the Alliance’s alternative priorities which doesn’t align with the original intent of the game.

I’m pretty sure being cut all over your body with razor blades, then thrown into a swimming pool filled with gasoline, which is then set ablaze after you soaked in it for a good two minutes is much worse.

I’m sure I’ve played over 100 games and still not hit Exalted. It’s so painful. Haven’t had a win since 2019. I was so glad AB came out b/c it’s so much more fair a map but the premades are ruining that one, too. We’re still waiting on AV fixes; Blizz is seriously dropping the ball on Classic PVP.

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To be honest the ball is already halfway down the hill


Someone’s obviously not alliance. AV is way worse than that.


You should have been here a few months ago. It was the exact opposite. But I guess you were ok with your side winning 24 7. You don’t see a problem until the tables are turned. It is now up to the alliance to do what we did, and take the BG back by force.


You’re learning.


I’ve played a ton of AV games since Classic launched and took a break lately because of the loss rate.

I played 2 AV games today and I couldn’t believe that it’s gotten even worse, as in people barely got below SHGY before the horde wiped them. Then horde took SHGY and I had to sit through 3 waves of GY rezzes before I rezzed. That means that between 31-40 alliance were dead and waiting to rez, pretty much the entire team.

30 seconds at a time, 10 people rezzing. By the time each wave got to the horde they were all dead. Rinse repeat. Couldn’t get anyone to gather up for a rush, they went in 2 or 3 at a time to instant death.

Just terrible, it’s truly not worth bothering with AV.

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Yep, for two whole days it was the exact opposite. By the third day the alliance win rate dropped to 50%, then it went down from there.

Sure, premades would win but many games were pugs. The premades would win an average of maybe 60% of the time, the pugs would nearly always lose.

Now the premades are gone and all that is left is the pugs losing almost 100%.


Alliance had a 95% or so win rate for 2 months in AV when it launched. Not 2 days. I don’t care if a match had premades in it or not.

Edit: Yup.




Why do you insist on spreading these lies everywhere you go? It’s really quite absurd.


What’s absurd (and I would say illogical or pointless) is your question.

Edit: Yup.

Is it though?

according to his post - yes