Automated Bans will slowly destroy Classic

To let you know he has seen the discussion, and at some point he will get some clarity on the subject. At least we know that the subject isn’t just falling on deaf ears.


A reddit post containing a large chain of unhappy players due to the automated system that I am referencing in this post as well as a link to the twitch clip of Grubby logging back in, both of which I’m sure you’d like to ignore.


An assurance they are at least monitoring the thread? Enough of you people whine constantly that Blizzard doesn’t listen.


We already know he has seen the discussion, thats his job. The Devs have told us eleventy billion times that they and the Community team read the forums regularly.

Some substantial dialog with the CM team about the pitfalls of this current sytem would be a whole lot more welcome and efficient. Not some off the cuff reminder of that which we all know so well.

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The problem is that not many people actually know or understand that. There are frankly too many people who think that if they see no blue responses that they aren’t actually reading at all.


I only had a few interactions in Vanilla with GMs, but they were all great and incredibly fast. I don’t think removing the human element in customer support is a good thing. GMs had personality. Sometimes they’d mix things up a little bit. That’s…cool. It’s a game and it should be fun.

The truth is automated systems are just easier for trolls to abuse. The thing with online interactions is that context matters so much. And some automated system has no nuance, no intuition, no judgement. Maybe that works in the Current WoW, but my hope for Classic is that its atmosphere is a little more relaxed and free flowing.


That’s like saying sharding is phasing - they’re entirely different things.


I’d say this extends to the world in general, not just WoW. It’s pretty sad.


I can see how a naturaly toxic player might be concerned about being auto banned. To that I say good ridance. Campping a flight master is fine. doing it for 8 hours is concerning. If I got baned for that, I think I would interpret it as a sign from a higher power. Not that im religious or anything.



Squelch is just a temporary removal of some chat privileges til a GM reviews it.

Silence is a PUNISHMENT that removes chat and social privileges for a determined amount of time and a black mark is added to your account, after a GM reviews it.


This is the guy who will report me.

If its against the rules to PvP for a certain duration of time, put it in the rules. “Harassment includes PvPing for 8 hours or more.”


If someone is safe spotting in a bugged location in booty bay I will agree. If someone has been killing the tanaris FP for 48 hours straight they have no life, and apparently the faction doesn’t care.

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Not being able to post in general, say, tell, and whispers which is the squelch is a mute.

You can’t ask for invites.
You can’t ask for help.
You can’t converse.


Players should not have the power to limit other players chat ability in anyway for even 5 seconds. Why is this hard to understand?

Only a GM should be able to limit a players ability to communicate. If you don’t like what someone is saying right then and there. Use ignore.


I agree with you there. Everything is considered harassment these days.

  • You disagree with someone? Harassment.
  • You kick someone from your group because they are dragging everyone else down? Harassment. You might even be called “toxic” because “it’s just a game.”
  • You start forming a group with strict requirements and refuse to invite someone who lacks skill and experience? You’re harassing them, and you are a “toxic” elitist try-hard.

I’ve never seen such behavior before. It’s like everyone online has been replaced with entitled children. Whatever happened with just ignoring someone you didn’t want to talk to? Sure, if someone made an alt character to whisper you after being ignored, then they would actually be breaking the ToS and would legitimately be committing harassment, but these days even a simple “I disagree” or “You’re wrong” is considered harassment. Also, what happened to actually putting in effort and trying your best when playing with others so you didn’t waste their time? Why do people feel like they deserve a spot in groups attempting cutting-edge content when they have absolutely zero skill or experience? I’m not going to carry someone I just met and will likely never see again!

If I remember Blizzard’s policies correctly, that shouldn’t be considered ban worthy if it’s on a PvP server/Warmode since the opposing faction would have the obvious PvP solution to that problem which is to murder you to death until you die and are dead. In fact, if I remember correctly, Alliance in vanilla would constantly attack the NPCs in Barrens if they were looking for PvP since the close proximity to Org would guarantee a quick horde response. I’d hate to see barrens PvP die out in Classic before it even comes out due to people crying that the choice they made to play on a PvP server actually puts them at risk of being targeted for PvP.


You didn’t even read my post…

Exactly. I don’t know where this rumor started that PVP involving killing lowbies, camping bodies, and killing NPCs is against the rules on a pvp server.


That’s my entire point. It’s not against the rules to camp Flight Masters for 8 hours, but people will report me anyway, and due to an automated ban system, I will get banned anyway.


People have been screaming this since Vanilla.

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No you won’t… you are just fear mongering


Listening and catering to said screams wasn’t necessarily the right move.