Automated Bans will slowly destroy Classic

Gee, a griever getting banned for grieving… What a terrible loss for the servers that will be.

That said, I do agree automated bans / silences based on reports is terrible.

I have been suspended from the forums multiple times for opinions others do not like.

That sounds vaguely familiar… though I should warn you the D word also gets you suspended, apparently.

So, what you’re saying is that the Classic community is nowhere near as good as some people make it out to be. Fascinating.

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Eh… we can’t be sure. It’s too soon. And some of these folks are assuming retail mindsets are going to be prevalent in Classic.

Lol speak for yourself. You’ve gotten multiple silences from 54 total posts? Doesn’t that seem high? I’m by no means a die hard forum warrior but I have significantly more activity than that and I have never been actioned on the forums. I’ve had multiple people actually tell me that they were reporting me for things I’ve said. Ask a certain darkspear druid posting in this forum. I argue with them all the time, and they’ve told me that I crossed a line and reported me. (Not on this topic because we agree here) but the takeaway is: nothing happened. Soooo maybe it’s not that easy to get someone banned.

Also, and I cannot stress this enough, there is zero reason to try and correlate forum rules with game rules.

Mhmm. Mind posting the quote you were suspended for? Betcha 20 silver I could find a ToS violation in it.

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I’ve been silenced once.

Because I compared the pro change / no changers to the political parties in USA.

And that’s from 12+ years of being active on the forums.

The people complaining about the “auto bans” are very much over reacting.


well then we are safe as there is no auto bans.

I’m definitely worried about being squelched. It is definitely fear that motivates me, because I plan to use trade and general chat in ways that are traditional to vanilla, like guild and crafting advertisements, calling out world bosses, and publicly communicating devilsaur spawn info to do my part to make it hard on the mafias.

Any one of those activities is highly offensive to a particular type of person, be it because it represents competition, or simply because they hate seeing guild recruitment messages, even if they’re short, infrequent, and respectful.

I’m going to get blasted, dude. So yeah, it’s fear.

Putting justice in the hands of the masses always ends well. It’s not hard to see
the potential for abuse, unless the auto-squelch threshold is absurdly high.

I have no love for griefers or much interest in WPvP, but I’d rather deal with the occasional jerk than hand moderation over to the angry rabble. That’s just trading one form of griefing for another.


And if this happens, please please please take it to the customer support forum and raise hell about it. Because competitive exploits get fixed by blizzard. So if the devilsaur mafia comes for you, or anyone else with this system., we need to make blizzard aware of it being an actual problem, instead of just something streamers are making clickbait about.


You can count on it. My whining will make their windows vibrate and teacups rattle on the saucers. It’s my hidden power.

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I misread “whining” as “winning” for some reason. lol


quoted for truth.

This isn’t my normal character I post on guy…

You’re one of those people, gotcha. Have fun supporting your own arguments by posting from multiple toons I guess.

For all the doom and gloom you’d think I’d be silenced near constantly since I never feared expressing unpopular political opinions to the babbling people in trade.

Never happened.

Trade Chat is a hive of scum and villainy anyway. I steer clear of the place.