Auto Shot removes itself from action bar after taking any load screen

Topic title.

It keeps adding itself to my menu if I have an open slot and it’s kinda friggin annoying.

I was wondering what kept doing it. Thank you for the heads up and I will confirm it’s still an issue on my hunter.

Issue still continuing. Anytime you have a loading screen auto shot continues to disappear at level 80.

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Another week, still an issue. When you go into a loading screen it takes auto shot of your task bar.

edit. Still continuing to happen. I will keep adding onto this reply since you can’t have more than 3 consecutive replies in a row once a week. (11/21/24)

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Commenting to interrupt 3 consecutive replies. This bug is so annoying I refuse to play my hunters.

Why does auto shot need to be on your action bar?

I keep it on my taskbar so I can turn off my abilities when I don’t want to auto shoot something or on when I want to save an ability then pull instant aggravation. Some reason even my cleft hoof has been having issues keeping aggravation off me.

So, if I can help my pet out then I need every advantage I can bring to the table. Also, times when I am in a group if I want to start out slow without abilities drawing instant aggravation then I will do that for player tanks. I know on my main, enhancement shaman, I am starting to rip bosses off tanks which could be an issue with my rotation or the tank not building up enough hate faster than I can DPS.

I don’t know how much threat you think auto shot is generating, but its negligible compared to ability usage. Abilities already auto toggle auto shot on, and you can toggle it off by hitting escape, deselecting a target, or via a /stopattack macro. Theres zero reason to need a button for auto shot to toggle it off, just don’t attack in the first place or use misdirection if you’re worried about threat. If it’s really a dealbreaker to have something to stop auto attacks, make a /stopattack macro.

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you can right click to automatically turn auto shot on. dont need a entire action bar button dedicated to it