Australian price increase after Shadowlands pre order

Again, its not a competition. Its about the Australian pricing going up. Would you be fine if your monthly sub went up a few bucks?
We have different economics and costs of living, if you want to be accurate about “we pay more” take that into co sideration too.
This isn’t a who pays more war… this is a thread I was enquiring about refunds due to price increases. Got it?

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16 year old game asking $19.95 sub fee is a bit rich. Is there not enough people subbed anymore to cover development costs?


6.5b bln USD company making huge profits is hiking up the sub fee for a country mid-recession to consumers

It’s very sad and dirty that they’d do this, especially now. Anyone defending a company sucking more money out of its consumers especially at a time like this is a brainwashed paypig


I’ve applied for a shadowlands refund myself. They might only need 80% retention at the new sub cost to break even if 20% of people leave but I will be 1 of the 20% good luck in shdaowlands ya’ll (finally the excuse I needed to quit)0

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Thank Blizzard’s Chinese Overlords pushing them to take a stab at the Aussies. China plans on increasing everything for them.

Does blizzard control the prices to that degree in each different continent?

Honest question. I don’t know for sure either way but this seems more like Australia boning you than blizzard boning you.

Either way just throw another shrimp on the barbie

You have been paying less than NA players for 9+ years…

oh that is priceless - someone made a thread the other day about no blue posts in the oceanic forum. Now they get one, can’t complain they haven’t had one in two years now.

if this company was half as greedy as everyone on the forums thought it was then the US sub price would have increased as well.

fact of the matter is that this is in response to the conversion rate of USD to AUD. $15 USD is equal to $20 AUD. this isn’t some corporate conspiracy fueled by greed, it’s just keeping the price equal to the $15 USD it has always been.

I asked about about the process of refund due to the circumstances of the price increase and how i would go about it if I chose to…

Well they just up and refunded it right away.
Now I have locked characters lost the mount and I hadn’t even made up my mind if I was going to support this increase or not. Refund won’t go through for up to 14 days.
Instead of answering a question they just removed my game hahahaha.

Great work… really.