Xanesh Prog going well still recruiting range dps and resto shaman
Xan down 6/12 now!
Recruiting Range DPS for mythic still let us know
Vex Mythic dead!
7/12 M Recruiting DPS and Heals still that want to prog!
Drest Sub 50% still looking for ranged DPS etc.
Drest 25% still looking for ranged DPS and Heals that wanna prog
Still recruiting dps and heals for mythic progression. Drest sub 30%!
Drest almost dead. Vex dead. Add me kinoy #1165 if you are interested or have questions.
Drest will be down this week Still Recruiting Heals and DPS for Prog
Drest down 8/12M Recruiting Range DPS for illgynoth
DPS for Raden*
Recruiting Ranged DPS for M Ra Den and Illgynoth
Still looking for Ranged DPS for Ra Den and Illgynoth Prog
Ra Den down to 60% Recruiting Range DPS for prog
Still recruiting ranged dps for Ra Den progression
Making big strides on progression, working on raden! Almost to phase 2! Add me kinoy#1165 if you are interested and want to talk!!
9/12M Ra Den is down still recruiting range dps! let us know!
9/12M still need more ranged dps!
9/12M looking for more ranged DPS for illgy prog let us know