Auspicious Arborwyrm gone after patch

Same here, thought at first it was changed to a skin (which would have been a pretty big issue considering it’s marketed as a “mount”) but it’s totally gone. Hopefully it’s fixed considering it was an incentive for a 6 and 12 month subscription.


Looks like this toy is missing too

Strange i still have mine thankfully. Really hope they fix this. EDIT: just checked and the mount is now back as well.

Same problem here. How is possible that a patch to add a separate battle royale game mode could delete a mount I paid for?


I got a general auto reply to my ticket this morning noting high volumes and ready to be closed. I went into to ask not to close ticket and look into why it’s missing and to my surprise it looks like our beloved mount is back, mine is back in it’s action bar home!

Mine is back with no reply to my ticket. I think maybe they fixed it?

Does anyone else see a problem with the avatar for the small auspicious arborwyrm when using this as a multi-person mount now? The unit frame and graphic of the player shows up as a blue and white checkered area. This is not just happening to me. Here’s what it looks like: imgur[dot]com/a/CrWSXpb

I bought it recently cause is displayed as buyable on Battle Net. Then I checked on the game and is not there. Would Blizzard fix it? Am I able to have a refund?