AUGUST 26 The War Within Launch! AUGUST 22nd Early Release!

:notes: “It’s the final countdooowwwn!!! Be de de daaa! Be de de de daaaa!!!” :notes:

Remix characters who are procrastinating are now panicking

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Funny you say this, I’ve been gearing up my prot pally after I abandoned them in season 4. Got my bear and shadow priest geared, but neither is really hitting the spot. Plus Lightsmith looks kinda fun!

Dawntrail baby end of this month WOOOO

No Game Pass announcement :disappointed_relieved:

remix is already dead for me, scalling just dont work its a mess, ppl bought what they wanted and already dip bc its not fun

Thank you for the announcement. I’ll try and plan for it lol.

Though after playing beta a bit, I’m starting to change my mind on what to main. So easy to overthink things. I kinda want to wait and see how things are rated though. I don’t need an s tier but I def don’t want a d tier spec.

Great announcement trailer. However, doesn’t this date feel a bit rushed? Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely am looking forward to this. But, Blizzard is about to do several class overhauls in the beta, and it barely started. Less than a week has gone by, and they announced a launch date. That’s not a lot of beta testing.

I feel this is way early. August 22nd felt like a good pre-patch date, and then we can work out the bugs over a month or two, then launch.

I’m excited to see new lands. But, I’m afraid of a super buggy launch.


There’s also been a fair number of bugs on the beta. I think the staff may be working overtime to deliver this.

Have you not been paying attention they have been doing class overhaul and listening to feedback since day 1 of alpha. And also beta and alpha is always buggy since it’s not the real game nor is it the final product which is why is a testing environment.

People have been complaining about content drought and so stuff are coming out sooner rather than later.

a 2-month prepatch would be absolutely wild lmao

But you can’t deny they are rushing things. The shaman class is constantly talking about the alpha rush that made it where they were not given the same amount of time as other hero talents. I hope that things can be polished before this goes live is all. I imagine they will be implementing massive changes every Tuesday to try and get ahead of the concerns.

I’m pretty sure he was talking about the beta.

They also ignored a lot of bugs while fixing others. The thing I’m nervous about is the big class overhauls they announced that aren’t yet tested in the beta. I’m hoping we have enough time to test & they can adjust.

Also, Blizzard’s cinematic team, A+ work as always.

eh, is A-

nothing ever happens in the new cinematics

Way earlier than I predicted. I’m all for it. I had time to mess around in the beta and was liking sentinel and Colossus a lot!