Augmentation Offense Underperforming in Arena

Outside of giving people 5% main stat a lot of Aug’s don’t even take prescience in PvP.

The spec does massive burst damage on a 40s CD and giving it higher sustain outside of that is probably bad for the game right now.

Can tone down their healing but they also don’t get to cast and move like we do so there’s gonna be a trade off where they’re stronger than us in some areas.

Remove void leech and shadow is suddenly a lot more balanced.

Sustain yes, burst no.

Aug burst is terrifying and if stuff crits you can flatten someone even through CD’s.

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im not… all these hybrid specs doing insane damage and utility. makes me annoyed

Hopefully, they never buff this to be competitive or popular. Any time it brings respectable damage and tankiness for a team every game is a disgusting dampener. It can stay back like all the tank specs imo.

Have you played against a shadow priest this season? The irony is killer here. You do all this plus you just stand in 1 spot and never move to be immortal unlike aug where you must kite for your life, and you already are less tanky than shadow priest.

Watch the AWC tournament, no one bothers hitting a shadow priest at all. Not to mention this is the 2nd consecutive expansion where this is the case, meanwhile everyone acts like they are scarred for life because Aug was good for 2 weeks after release and still got swept out of the AWC the stretch it released in.

Are you one of those PvE guys that was hurt the new 3rd Evoker spec was a DPS spec instead of somehow being a spellcaster class intellect tank?

yup seen spriest looks fine

do not buff aug in any meaningful way ty it is the equivalent of playing a tank spec in arena

No. Bad. :newspaper_roll:

Upheaval damage is good, but its still not hitting as hard as many other specs burst abilities. Aff Lock Shadow Bolt can crit 1.2M to 1.4M and I can get 2-3 every 40 seconds as instant cast procs with high dot sustained. Devastation has Eternity Surge on a shorter CD hitting for more. I can factually tell you that with 8 level 80s, Augmentation is by far the worst performing spec i’ve played in PvP this season. I think do nothing is not the solution either.

The trade off on casting while moving is having a 25 yard range, hence why Augmentation auto loses to warlocks, hunters, and shadow priests. Shadow priest is anything but balanced, the AWC showed us its by far the strongest spell caster in the game, arguably the best DPS in the game period in arena.

I agree with you 100% its constant damage that needs buffed, not upheaval burst. Why I emphasized buffing Living Flame damage and buffing Eruption’s low end damage but not high end (Would have to buff Eruption individually, not Mass Eruption in Scalecommander or offset it with PvP Modifiers).

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Never feels good when your fav spec feels like its left in shambles

Sorry fam


2 weeks? You mean 1 whole season, It should of been gutted after 2 weeks I think you mean!

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Is the hybrid healing underperforming problems that Msdoubtfire mentioned just an arena thing?

My ret, boomy (and whatever other hybrids I might have temporarily undeleted) feel okay healing-wise in random/epic BGs.

Man they are giving you the Guardian Player treatment I got back in Bfa.

Upheaval can crit like 1.1m and my eruptions have hit as high as 1.8m on players (usually sit around 1.4ish). Throw in some melt armour and a tip fire breath plus whatever others have on the target and you’ve got seriously dangerous damage. Bombardments also shredding people for 500k a fly over and you have seriously high uptime on that.

Let’s not pretend Aug doesn’t have damage, the same way the idiots here complaining about it making other specs live lord haven’t looked at the rework and are complaining about an Aug that doesn’t exist anymore.

rogue is a pure dps spec. You’re playing a hybrid class that has great heals and a great dps spec. You’re choosing to play a support spec that isnt good atm.

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I’m not okay with it :frowning: i just got my bricks beat by a floating void orb perma slowing me that also goes through walls.


How do you figure when Augmentation came out as part of the Dragonflight Season 2 MID SEASON Patch?

It got 3 straight weeks of nerf hotfixes after and was average at best by the end of Season 2. Season 3 and 4 of Dragonflight it was right to the bottom of the barrel just like now.

But again, no one is worried that shadow priest is an immortal turret tank, with more damage and healing than Aug, and you dont even have to kite for your life like an Aug.

Lots of people are worried. Shadow is disgusting right now and it got away with a slap on the wrist, similar to feral, that left people groaning.

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I play Chronowarden primarily have rigorously tested both. Chrono feels better but is lacking damage outside of Upheaval for sure. Scalecommander suffers from having little to no damage outside of Mass Eruption (30 sec CD Fire Breath and 40 sec CD Upheaval to enhance it to mass eruption), and without Deep Breath your damage is just very low and easy to deny being in 1 spell school.

As Chronowarden eruption hits like 400k normally, if i get my 2 set bonus up I can maybe crit 900k-1m at best.

Check the damage on details of a mid/long 3v3 game for Augmentation. That 4th and last place spot is waiting around the corner every mid/long game for Aug. It’s a capacity issue, not the operator.

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Great, Hope they stay that way.

and its back

Idk why, but aug feels like a tank spec in disguise everytime i face them.