Aug Mythic + nerf

Close as clutchmates has been removed in the latest beta build.

Just give the spec the Old Yeller treatment. Take it out back and put it out of its misery. The community would be better for it.


Kinda sucks to receive the nerf but will removing that passive make it easier to balance the spec now?

I always feel like I contribute too much to a 5man but not enough to a raid.

While this could be a nerf to offset the different buffs/cdr we have in the talent tree, I feel like nerfing the damage (which is already not a strength of aug) is the problem. Blistering scales, ebon might buffing non dps, and Draconic attunements are the problem. Having bard classes is something that other MMOs do just fine. Aug is a blast to play more fun than dev or pres (in a m+ environment). I hope they aren’t just shoving it to the bottom of the barrel so that in the .1 patch they can rework it completely. I have fallen in love with the augmentation (dungeon) playstyle


Maybe? The point of that passive was to better tune 5 mans cause you can increase or decrease it.

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I think the original design on making everyone else awesome to damage is the reason for the passive originally. In raids you buff 4 dps in 5 mans you buff everyone. Tanks and heals did less damage, so make everyone else even more awesome was the “fix”.

This backfired in being able to tune it. Plus its presence immediately devalued the other two specs.

Augs personal damage profile is being severely altered with the hero talents, probably enough that the passive is jo longer needed for Aug to hit its dps contribution quota

but aug players dont play aug for personal damage. we would rather gain strength from buffs and lose personal dmg than gain personal damage


It’s awesome you’ve found a spec to connect with and enjoy. The augment playstyle is cool. There is a satisfaction to making everyone awesome. Please don’t think I’m attacking the playstyle. I used to play enhance shaman for the same reason.

But the developers have heard discussions that’s making them adjust the spec and playstyle. Damage numbers may be one of several factors they are adjusting.

The awesome Aug brings to tanks and healers may have been undoing the targeted changes to tanks and healers. Augs awesome bringing automaticly made them a guaranteed spot in five mans.

While we’ve always had inter spec competition inside classes (why bring feral when you can bring boomkin) Evokers suffered. You’re not Aug? Are you a heals (can we get a different heals), if we get heals will you Aug???

It buried Devestation. It has daily calls to be deleted ( not going to happen, they already spent the time making it, it’ll be adjusted, but never deleted)

The devs are trying to make all specs relatively balanced. (Partially succeeding, but there are always top specs).

Unfortunately, in a game this size, only some may be happy

Or turn it into an int-based tank, which is what many wanted in the first place when Aug was datamined.

FWIW, we have 6 tanks specs and 7 healing specs.


But it only buried devastation in the top .1% of keys (outside of its release season).

It’s legitimately worse for everything else, especially now that all specs have access to paradox.

Don’t get me wrong, it still needs some survivability/group safety addressed, but this misconception that it’s better/replacing devastation in the content that 99.9% of us are doing is completely unfounded.


I’ll admit I don’t pug a lot (I prefer to play with my guildmates than pug), but when I did, I’ve never had people ask me to swap to Aug (except during the release boom when they were actually busted, I got into high key levels I shouldn’t have been allowed to lol!) even though I note I can play any spec in my application messages. Maybe I got lucky? I only do stuff up to +10 (or +20 in previous seasons scaling). Maybe that’s why.

Now obviously, the higher keys are a different story!

I agree that for the majority of the player base that Dev was the better choice. And pugging play what you’re happy with.

Community perception for the last decade has looked to the mythic raiders, content creators, and highest performers for advice on classes. It’s starting to change.

But even now there are lots of creators are doing “which class is safe to main” pretty much all say at one point in their vids that everything changes with tuning. It’s still only a small percentage of the population, but it does influence the community perception. And it has created toxic environments in the past.

It’s why I’m looking forward to the delves feature.

Sure, but this is absolutely not a balance issue (nor should the game be balanced with it in mind).

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Sadly it does play a role though. A spec could be tuned well, but if people think it’s bad and nobody plays it, blizzard might feel forced to buff them a little.

I saw some known names complaining about shadow priest being awful. Yet as the patch went on, they were back to being an expected dungeon pick.

There’s a big difference between what streamers/theorycrafters say and how the community perceives it.

In the case of Aug, they’ll place Aug in the “OP” S+ tier and someone that isn’t as knowledgeable will think that they need an aug in their +8’s now, even though an Aug is F-tier in that difficulty.

Blizz shouldn’t and isn’t making balance changes in those situations.

I can’t personally think of a single time where a spec was tuned well and people at a mythic level thought it was bad incorrectly. And tuning always gets informed by mythic #'s.

If they arbitrarily buffed specs because no one played them/thought they were bad, survival hunter would have been meta for more than one season in its entire existence as a melee spec

In the shadow priest example, if you’re talking about this expansion, there was qualitative data that showed spriest was bad. They were doing close to tank DPS for a while.

The fact that streamers were also talking about it is correlation, not causation.

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The thing is is that Augmentation needs to be tuned down. It is such an amazing spec I keep hearing people say that right now it is way better then Devastation and that’s not fair to people who prefer Devastation over Augmentation. Augmentation was never supposed to replace Devastation, but like any other specialization in any class it is supposed to be an option you can pick at YOUR own leisure and preference, but when you’ve literally got people denying you entry into content because you want to play a certain spec (in this case Devatation) then something is very VERY wrong.

I want to be a Devastation main and no one has the right to tell me (or anyone else for that matter) that I have to play Augmentation just to get into a group because Augmentation is that much better. Every group needs a Healer and a Tank but DPS should have the free reign to pick whatever DPS specialization they want to play as that’s part of their class. Absolutely no one has that right try and take that choice from a player and they should be ToS banned for it. But because Metatards are allowed to exist in this game it’s a very real issue in that Augmentation is just overtuned.

Just because you keep hearing something doesn’t make it accurate.

Unless you are doing ~15+ keys, augmentation is literally worse than devastation.

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The point I am making is that both specs should be perfectly and equally viable, if at any point one becomes more viable then the other then something is wrong.

Im 100% with you. But isnt it the same for other classes? Lets say destruction performs 50% better than affliction, is that possible ppl refuse the afflic lock in their group?
Im not saying it’s correct. But it’s possible it happens in higher keys where performance matters. So you can make your own group ppl will say.
Im not at all doing any content where that matters so i play dev or aug whenever i feel like.

Every multi-dps spec class always has one that’s more viable, it’s unavoidable.

If anything, devastation IS the more viable spec for 99.9% of people in the game.