Hey. Just wondering as I can’t see it anywhere obvious, and given that it looks like aug will remain as it is in TWW. A lot of the issues with needing complex spreadsheet pre-raid planning which so many people loathe are due to the fact you need to have planned and applied prescience to your priority targets BEFORE you cast ebon might, with foreknowledge of what buffs will be up when ebon might actually hits.
Is there any reason why active ebon might shouldn’t just swap to your new target when you cast prescience on them?
Wouldn’t this solve many of the issues and make it far more intuitive with the new frame glow change? It would also make the class work far better with the rules they’ve built in for auto targetting. (As it is currently, you will end up casting prescience on targets with cooldowns but then it might be too late to benefit from it by the time ebon might is finally recast.)
I mean it doesn’t solve your problem, but the reason is that you’re generally prepping your pres targets for your next ebon might.
I don’t want an EM dropping off a uhdk during lust, but I’m applying new pres to the more consistent damage dealers in preparation for my next ebon might, which will come post-lust.
Having it swap would necessitate pooling pres even more, which I don’t think would necessarily feel better either.
Perhaps, but you’re speaking as someone who knows and plans your targets, including who will be the best source of damage. This sort of meta-knowledge about the game and what is happening with other players is not clearly visualised for most players in-game without some crazy addon usage. What about the majority of wow players who are more casual, and maybe don’t know the other classes or raiders they are with very well?
For them, the logic of clicking the glowing frames to get positive feedback and results would be far better. Kind of like clicking heals on people whose health bar has gone down. Imagine if you wanted to heal people when you saw their health bar change, but your heal won’t come through for another 15 seconds. For the sake of some of the top-end players pooling prescience a little, I think it would be a vastly better system for the majority of players.
These people can literally yolo pres on cd and they will still be perfectly fine in the content they’re doing.
Dynamically swapping ebon might to change its uptime is not going to make a dramatic difference for those players–but it will make a large difference for those maximizing the buffs.
I’m not convinced. I think that on-demand ebon might swapping would enable to very top players to min-max as much as and maybe even more than they can do now, and it would make it far more intuitive and accessible to new players.
Edit: Not to mention, the spreadsheet pre-raid planning to work out where buffs go, whether you like it or not, is what a huge amount of even the top aug players have grown to really dislike. Many people would be far happier if they didn’t need to do it.
You can remain as unconvinced as you want, and while I agree moving away from spreadsheet playstyles is good, this wouldn’t accomplish that.
If anything, it would make it worse because now you’re planning for many more, much smaller pres swap windows instead of larger ebon might windows.
And again, casual players will see success just fine without the change, and most wouldn’t even care enough to be doing any sort of micro (which is totally fine).