Auction Sniping - What are your thoughts?

Yet you waste the time and effort replying to me poking at it. You’re like the kindergarten age child wiping away tears and saying “I’M NOT ANGRY! YOU’RE ANGRY!”

That you posted boots 11 years ago for a price under what you thought you could get for them and are subsequently bringing it up 11 years later as if it were your biggest regret in life?

Few personal gripes with this one I’m not going to bring up but I do adore how because I am not overly sympathetic to you but in fact honest in that I don’t care you bring up testosterone. What, are we really going to regress into decade old ideas like every jerk on the internet is male? Guess it’s fitting since your tale just tells me you live in the past and can’t let go of it.

There was no pseudo aggression to it. You’re just upset that I’m the most honest. Nobody in this whole thread gives a damn that you improperly priced boots 11 years ago. You brought it up randomly. I felt bad until you made it clear this was TBC and I realized you crying over 100 gold in TBC is like crying over pennies.

There is no context. You posted boots incorrectly and someone immediately scooped up the bargain. It isn’t some crazy story that I’m going to need to read 80 times over to truly understand the underlying meaning of what it is to suffer over 100 gold in TBC.

I’d argue it’s pretty cute you try to throw out posturing as a claim of what I’m doing when you didn’t hesitate to associate my lack of sympathy with being “too proud in that testosterone pumped body.” You could have just screamed “LOOK! TOXIC MASCULINITY!” and somehow managed to be more subtle. Except none of that is cute and much like you crying 11 years later about improperly posting boots on the AH, is still every bit as pathetic.

Again, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know why you started to or continue to pursue me.

You have this seething anger towards me for whatever reason, and think I’m bitter about an event that happened 11 years ago. If you lack the necessary intelligence to connect the first paragraph, one of personal experience, to the second and third paragraphs, then there is no point in me trying to explain it further. You’ll continue to think I’m sour about something I couldn’t care less about, yet learned something from and used to inform my own philosophy going forward.

Like I said, you’ve taken a position and you won’t back down (no amount of trying to lump me in with Gillette will change this), and your last post simply proves my point.

I’m not pursuing you. You keep making replies and I respond to them. Such a mystery. “I wonder why this person replies to me after I reply to them. . .”

Considering you’re whining about it 11 years later and getting pretty defensive when I ask why I should care, I’d say its a fair assessment.

Except I have read it through, point still stands. I don’t give a damn. Didn’t give one before reading it, while reading it, nor after reading it.

Not trying to lump you in with anyone. You chose to use specific wording, I chose to inform you how I will perceive you based upon said wording.

Maybe instead of Confidence you should rename yourself to Arrogance. It would be much more fitting for you.

Why is this thread still receiving replies?

There’s an undead butchering a cow, a whiny dwarf and people replying asking why people are replying.

It’s a disaster that should be 404’d.

The auction house is a form of pvp in its self, You made a mistake and some one capitalized on it, that is the game…


Your inability to extract the concept from a passage of text is indicative of a small mental capacity.

Unlike you, Confidence and the handful of players who responded to the actual topic are not sleepwalking NPCs.

I took the time to bid on 10 peacebloom at 8copper a piece because why not. About an hour later they were all canceled at the “same time.” Literally need to break stupid auction house bots. No one can buy out or cancel the auctions that fast.

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I guess you won’t make that mistake again.

Wouldn’t a capitalist capitalize on someone else’s mistake and make the capital for themselves?

A capitalist would be the guy that owns the Auction House, or the dude who runs a hot dog cart out in the lobby of the AH.

I always snipe when I see an item that’s priced way too low, or by mistake like you did. In your situation if you saw someone post a boe blue for silver instead of a gold I’m sure you’d jump on the opportunity to buy it.

This is a common misconception about capitalists that’s been spread to smear capitalism. Capitalism doesn’t mean you’re greedy, a thief, or like to screw people when you get the chance.

Capitalism, in its purest sense, is simply a market free from government intervention.

Under a system of capitalism, people can have whatever morals they please. Last night a guy from my guild was trying to farm Spider’s Silk. He killed 30+ and had two out of the four he needed.

I killed 4 spiders in my area and got the last 2. Rather than doing what Hollywood would portray a capitalist to do, e.g. sell it to him for AH price or slightly under, I just gave them to him no questions asked and refused payment.

Taking advantage of someone who makes a mistake or charging friends for services is not being a capitalist, that’s being a greedy ______.

Society can actually function, and actually functions well, when free from government intervention, outside of the protection of basic individual liberties. People often want a fair deal (not to want to get everything for free, but to actually pay for the value of what you receive instead), and can be very generous under a system of free market capitalism. It is not to be confused with everyone being a greedy, self interested con artist. In fact, if you look at real world examples, those people (on a large scale) are almost always those who abuse government regulation (in the form of barriers to entry which eliminates competition), abuse government laws and contracts, and, ultimately, abuse the taxpayer while pretending it’s “capitalism.”

Amazon losing in every area of their balance sheets except their cloud storage contracts with the US Government, while simultaneously being subsidized $1.37 on EVERY SINGLE PACKAGE shipped by the American taxpayer isn’t capitalism, rather it’s greed and abuse as a result of government intervention in the markets. The same can be said for the skyrocketing prices of Epipens in 2016, which, as soon as generics came along, I was able to buy mine for 1/20th of the price (30 bucks). The only reason they were able to get away with it temporarily is because the barrier to enter the market is so high because of government regulation, giving them an artificial monopoly. That’s not capitalism either.

Nice…you still lost out on some capital though!

I guess you got some goodwill though?!

These are somewhat conflicting notions. If the Sniper is constantly auto-searching, that sounds like a bot to me.

It seems as if I wasted my time responding to a troll with a serious post about the beauty of the free market. Too bad.

Maybe you should take an extra second to make sure you’re doing exactly what you want to. Mistakes can happen, sure, but that isn’t anyone’s fault but yours.

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How was I trolling? Your post on capitalism was good…but just because you don’t agree with what I said doesn’t mean I am a troll. :thinking:

Lol I guess I misunderstood. I apologize.

You’re right. I did miss out on gaining capital lmao.

Yeah but like I said…

You have goodwill to show for it. Maybe that guy will see you in need of help one day and pay it back?! Or maybe karma will come around and treat you to something nice!