Of course you do. Hence the OP.
It isn’t botting though. All of the AH addons have a setting to scan for auctions below whatever percentage of value you input but you have to be at the AH with the interface open for it to scan, and you have to manually click the button to buy because that isn’t automated.
It is, and Blizzard knows it, which is why if you follow the instructions to request assistance for this exact scenario you are directed to email hacks@blizzard.com.
Also we have an unknown many thousands of people on each server at any given time so plenty possible for things to just disappear. A few times over the years before auctionator I’d put a stack of mats on for the unit price and have it gone before I realized it. And a few times I managed to cancel and get the stuff back. Seems to me if bots were camping the AH’s, nobody’d ever manage to cancel their mispriced auction.
For my part I use auctionator which can tell me the vendor prices in tooltip info, and I’ve seen things hanging out in the auction for equal or less than the vendor price and grabbed those. I was assuming the person was just doing a public service since me and my guild and many people around the place are just giving thngs away to each other - classic having alot of super veterans and different culture from retail. And it’s really easy to see underpriced mats and buy a lot on single-button pushes even if they’re a bunch of single stack. ‘buy’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ ‘buy another’ … If someone’s scanning the entire ah for anything with buyout less than 110% of vendor price, they could just be sitting around smacking buy buttons.
PS> In retail I used to have a rogue unlock all the lockboxes for people in my guild and they mostly told me to go ahead and keep whatever’s there since it was usually dumb +2 gold. But if I saw an awesome x-mog or something selling for thousands on the AH, I’d send it back to them with a note about the contents being an awesome xmog or selling for thousands, and get a big ‘WOAH THANKS!’ note back from them.
It isn’t. And blizzard knows it. That is why they haven’t broken these AH addons.
Sure bro.
Let me try this again and I’ll go slow for you.
If. The. AH. Addons. Sniper. Settings. Were. Against. Their. TOS. They. Would. Break. Them. So. Clearly. They. Are. Not. Considered. A. Bot.
This conversation is over.
I have yet to see any item reach that kind of inflation. Even really powerful twink items given the lack of a twink community fetch at the highest like 50 gold that I’ve noticed on Faerlina. I bought Butcher for 10g.
Are you talking in the immediate, and if so are they actually selling at that price or just being listed at that price? 100g is an absurd amount of influence to spend on twink boots that won’t even be useful until 5+ months yet be just as attainable. Hell there could even be more availability.
I really cbf to care about boots you theoretically might have that are worth well over 100g when average pocket change is about 1.6k.
If it’s not clear, I’m mocking your very clear exaggerated BS.
You brought a lot to the conversation. By that I mean - you confirmed my OP.
Man, everyone using auctionator is doomed then. And anyone with an addon that autoaccepts and autoturnin quests. That Open All button Blizzard gave us might be a violation of ToS too… Yep, all doomed. Or maybe ah, mail, and dialog boxes get a little slack to allow more efficient navigation of those. Though I turn off the autoaccepts and autoturnins so I can read the text. I will admit, I was mildly shocked rogues could make a macro to pickpocket and sap in one button push without violating ToS - that macro right in some educational forums here.
Maybe if everyone I’d ever loved had died I’d be sarcastic too.
Skimming through this thread I see that Exex is replying on almost every post made about her. I am calling troll. Troll or angry because she can’t accept that she messed up. Either case, let’s not feed the troll.
Alright you’re going in on this guy, but he clearly stated that this was from back in TBC. Read it again and chill out.
Replying to comments directed at me on a post I started. Must be up to no good.
He want botting. Tsm has a sniper feature that looks out for items posted significantly lower than their average value
And buys them the exact second another player presses “create”. And Blizzard having a support guide for exactly that is just a coincidence.
All irrelevant to the OP, btw.
I’m going with “can’t hide his angry personality anymore”.
You can go with “never bothered to hide his disgust.”
Just vendor everything to get back at the oooh so evil AH users
Naw, I’ve been reading your responses and I’m going with “you’re an angry dude”.