Auction House Update

Sumptuous Fur : Vendor value per unit is 17.5 silver
If I post a 48hr auction:

1 stack of 200 @ vendor value ea -> 21.0350g deposit
200 stacks of 1 @ vendor value ea -> 28g

1 stack of 200 @ 1c ea -> 21g
200 stacks of 1 @ 1c ea -> 21g
(Yeah, I know no one would post for that.)

1 stack of 200 @ 4.5g ea -> 21.9g
200 stacks of 1 @ 4.5g ea -> 201g
(4.5g is what its going for now.)

1 stack of 200 @ 100g ea -> 41g
200 stacks of 1 @ 100g ea -> 4021g

1 stack of 200 @ 500g ea -> 121g
200 stacks of 1 @ 500g ea -> 20,021g

That seems very broken. The only place it seems to make any real difference is on stupidly expensive items. Which most mats are not. The vast majority of what the new system does is just jack prices up on everyone!
So this has gone forward and, as predicted by many, it has 1. Not really changed the habits of many who did the 1-stack spamming, and 2. made AHing ludicrously expensive for people who do not "play" the AH and get undercut on everything they post by said spammers.
Several days into the AH changes, and I think many players will agree that it hasn’t actually eased the problem. Instead, it has empowered those who can afford to play the AH game with stacks of singles, jacking up prices. Regular players forced to put full stacks of items can’t sell anything because they’re buried in the fourth or fifth page after all the single stacks.

This has just caused prices of items to jack up rather than ease the load on the Auction House. The rich get richer, the poor get nothing.
I said before that this wouldn't change anything and it hasn't. AH is still extremely slow and you still have to go through pages and pages of stacks of 1 item. Might wanna feed the gerbil ;)
This change has literally broken the AH for old world items. You lose more money than the auctions are worth and nobody in their right mind would buy a stack of 200 dark iron ore. Blizz has literally broken the Auction House. Slow or not, it was atleast functional before. Now it isn't even worth posting to. Can't even buy old world mats for some of my crafts because nobody is posting them anymore. It shouldn't cost me over 10k gold to post my mats in STACKS OF 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/30/2018 04:26 AMPosted by Kalladden
Checking on my server this morning almost all of the old world mats have all but dried up. This change is what is keeping me from listing anything more on the auction house. Which really frustrates me because trying to play the in game economy in a casual way is one of the main ways I enjoy the game. Other MMO's may have better auction houses but no other MMO had a better in game economy because of the volume of people using the WOW AH, despite its short comings, this change however is driving people out of the AH. I know it has driven me out.

Can we please get some kind of an update or a fix from Bliz on this? This change is having a rapid and negative effect on the in game economy.

I've removed all my stacks of Legion and older mats off of the AH. They all do sell well, but not consistently. Sometimes I have to have that stack on for several weeks before it sells. I'm not going to spend 200g every day listing something that will expire 90% of the time. These mat will remain in my bank until blizzard fixes this.
08/30/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Sistersue

lol wut?

They have the info they need to object to that silly statement.

Only small timers sell in single stacks or stacks of 2 or 5....

Tru masters of the ah sell in stacks in 200 and buy larger stacks first and ignore singles.
Exactly, I ONLY sell stacks of 200.

So out of touch.
Obviously there is a problem. Just put it back to how it was until you hire a 20lb head to engineer an actual solution.
I'm going to put in a vote for the listing fee not being returned even if the item sells. The listing fee alone won't be an effective deterrent if it is returned on successful sales and doesn't affect profits.

Restacking, buying up low stack items and reselling them in larger stacks for profit, is a thing. This totally takes the bite out of the proposed changes.

The changes will be totally ineffective if they have no impact on the seller's profitability. Making the listing fee totally non refundable even with a successful sale will be more incentive for people to not flood the AH with single stacks, there will be less profit in doing so.

People who don't care about the profit and just want to dump whatever they have on hand shouldn't be harmed because they should be posting whatever amounts they have and not hundreds of single stacks.
I think this is a good short term solution. For the long term I hope WoW can take advantage of a commodity style AH such as used in Guild Wars, Steam. Very much more efficient server side, but also resistant to manipulation.

The Diablo AH and RMAH iirc, were more commodity style.
08/31/2018 04:59 AMPosted by Mepriest
08/30/2018 04:26 AMPosted by Kalladden
Checking on my server this morning almost all of the old world mats have all but dried up. This change is what is keeping me from listing anything more on the auction house. Which really frustrates me because trying to play the in game economy in a casual way is one of the main ways I enjoy the game. Other MMO's may have better auction houses but no other MMO had a better in game economy because of the volume of people using the WOW AH, despite its short comings, this change however is driving people out of the AH. I know it has driven me out.

Can we please get some kind of an update or a fix from Bliz on this? This change is having a rapid and negative effect on the in game economy.

I've removed all my stacks of Legion and older mats off of the AH. They all do sell well, but not consistently. Sometimes I have to have that stack on for several weeks before it sells. I'm not going to spend 200g every day listing something that will expire 90% of the time. These mat will remain in my bank until blizzard fixes this.


Im doing the same thing right now. Just hoping this gets changed so I can use the Auction house again in a way that does not risk Bankrupting my character.
I was just playing around with the AH system to see what the new deposits would look like.

To post a stack of 200 of an item at 1000g each would cost 200g. Now this is not something I would do per se but, this seem a bit punitive if I were to sell like that. Maybe we can change it so that 20% per item and treat one stack as one item? the risk vs. reward of losing that much gold on a single post seem to be lopsided.
All this has done is hurt casual players.

Revert this change and think of something else.
Simple question,
Instead of all this why not add a QTY filter into the Auction House System? with sub options on it to look for QTY > x amount or QTY = x amount? on the Trade Goods section you could even default it to look for items > 1 to combat such users that abuse the system.
How about we get a AH UI update? With filtering options like the addons we use....

The AH UI is 14 years old. I can’t imagine Blizz still uses Windows XP on their computers. So why are players stuck with the same Hot Garbage that is the base UI for AH?

There are other games on the market that have very well run economies with AH UI’s that are similar to the addons we are using because well...your UI is Hot Garbage. Sorry but it’s true and you need to hear it.

Taxation without representation is theft. That’s what you are doing to players and the last time something like that happened there was a rather large “Tea Party”. We all know how that went.

So please stop taxing us for no reason and fix the real problem. The “Hot Garbage”

Thank you
Tbh i also think it was a wast of their time. i am one to know because when i put up something on the AH like.......5 stacks of 1 midnight salmon, all of them are gone in around 10-20 mins lol
08/22/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Ythisens
To address some issues related to the Auction House, we’re reconsidering how deposits—the refundable fees you pay to list your auctions—are calculated. This fee is based on the item’s vendor price, and for profession materials in particular, vendors offer very low prices, so these mats have a low deposit cost. Deposits are substantial on items such as BoE uncommon gear, gems, and so forth, but not trade skill materials (trade goods such as cloth, ore, leather, etc.).

One thing we’ve identified as particularly troublesome is a large volume of trade skill materials being auctioned off in stacks of 1. Some addons make posting quantities of this size trivial to do, resulting in dozens, if not hundreds, of pages of auctions for a single item. As we looked at ways to change this behavior and improve the overall Auction House experience, we found that we prefer to avoid inflexible solutions such as caps on the number of listings a player can make, or increased minimum stack counts, which might interfere with many players' common gameplay habits.

Our current plan is to increase the deposit cost of some profession materials on a per-stack basis, which should provide incentive for players to post items in larger stacks.

Here's an example:

• Let’s say that a player is trying to sell 200 Tidespray Linen for 10g (gold) each. Today, each item has the normal deposit cost of 1c (copper), with a 1s (silver) minimum deposit, so 1 auction of 200 linen requires a deposit of 1s, and 200 auctions of 1 linen each adds up to a total deposit of 2g.

• Now imagine an additional 20% deposit added to the listing fee per auction. With an asking price of 10g each, that raises the deposit by 2g per stack. In the case of 1 stack of 200 linen, the total buyout price is 2000g, and the new deposit is 2g1s. In the case of 200 individual stacks, the new deposit of an additional 2g per stack brings the total deposit up to 402g.

In either case, the deposit is returned to the seller if the item sells. Successful auctions aren’t affected by this change.

Our goal is to give players some forewarning on this change, and to gather feedback. We’re putting together a list of the items that would be affected by this deposit change, which we expect to be limited to high-quantity trade goods. Furthermore, we’re deploying the change to the PTR first, so that addon authors can work through the change while we test it thoroughly.

This change will likely be a temporary measure, as we’re also working to broadly improve the default Auction House in the future. It’s clear to us that many players use addons because they find the default Auction House interface inadequate. A temporary change to deposit fees will help with this in the short term, and we’ll continue to work on overall improvements to the Auction House for a future patch.

I have to respectfully disagree with the entire premise of this change. I would submit to Blizzard that addons are not at all encouraging stack sizes of 1. The default UI, in and of itself, fully allows for posting stack sizes of one in a simple and fast manner.

It is completely and utterly disingenuous to blame this on addons. This fact that there are "dozens, if not hundreds of pages of auctions" is solely the result of the AH ui, not the fact that the post happened.

I have been playing wow for roughly 13 years and the AH has pretty much remained the same for that entire time. Change the UI and you can effectively stop the issues with the AH.

This change will basically eliminate the sell of older stuff. It will ENSURE that the only trade goods on the AH will pretty much be the new stuff.
I would go so far as to blame the shredder, which has loaded non-gatherer players down with small quantities of mats that they cant or wont use. In turn, the put these on the AH in small quantities. The manner in which the shredder works, is just a bad deal anyway. I just vendor everything now since that's apparently the only way Blizzard wants me to be able to make gold.
On another note, they release a 5 mil gold mount with a mobile AH on it, only to immediately destroy the AH and your ability to make gold on it. I starting to have an Alex Jones moment here: They got you to spend gold that they knew you could never recover. Are they purposefully deflating the economy?
I don't know the complexities of modifying the Auction House UI, but to me this change just seems like another way of removing gold from the WoW economy without actually addressing the underlying issue. I think a far better solution would just be to modify the auction search feature to allow us to sort/filter/search by quantity.
08/27/2018 05:50 PMPosted by Thecheat
I'm assuming you guys have math that supports this change? As it changes nothing for successful auctions, this must mean that a non-insignificant percentage of these large quantities of single-stack auctions do not end up selling.

Yea, the AH bots don't intend to sell a lot of what they do. In a lot of popular markets it is very difficult to sell things for more than 60ish percent of their actual value. Because the AH bots would instantly relist stuff to undercut you.

They aren't doing thousands of stacks of 1 on every item imaginable because that is how it best sells. They are doing it as part of a selling strategy.