Auction house uncollected filter broken?

Is anyone else finding the revised auction house broken when it comes to trying to search for uncollected pets? When I search pets by uncollected, I’m get a list of mostly things I already have in my collection, sometimes even 3x.


People are suggesting it’s trying to show you breeds you might not have collected. Or, it’s just completely broken. Having to search for everything by name, atm. Hope they come out with a fix for this soon.

At least for me, if you look closely (ie mouse hover each item) all the things it shows you that you already have are pet-teaching items rather than caged pets. So it is correctly applying the filter to caged pets, just unfortunately also showing an unfiltered list of all the things that can teach you a pet regardless of which ones you have.

I suspect it is a thing they didn’t intend and will address. Mixing pet items in with caged pets is a bit of a double edged sword, sometimes you want that and sometimes (like here) you don’t.

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New Auction House issues that Blizzard is aware of include:

The Upgrades Only filter can show some wands and shields that are not upgrades.
While selling certain items, non-related pets will sometimes appear in the list of current auctions.
Players are sometimes unable to buy out an auction in which they are the highest bidder.
Sold auction rows can disappear from the Auctions tab.
Sold auction rows can display the wrong quantity sold.
There is no chat notification when an auction sells.
The Uncollected filter can show owned battle pets.
While selling a caged pet, the price columns are misaligned in the list of current auctions.

So yeah, expect they’ll get it working right, for the most part, after a while.

The AH is currently showing me any pets of a level I don’t have when I set it for uncollected. As I only have a couple of unleveled pets at the moment it’s showing me hundreds of level ones.

thwaps forehead
I should have noticed this. Thank you.

They’re getting stung by the legacy design headache of keeping those old pre-petbattle boxes in the first place.

Has there been any blue posts on this specific topic? It is really inconvenient.

They released a post a week ago or so saying they fixed it among other things I told them they haven’t … no response yet.

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