Auction house pet search

the auction house update is missing a key feature for battle pets you cannot search for only level 25 pets yet


That would be a great feature.
I hope they listen to this request and add it.

Many players simply don’t have the time or inclination to level their own pets, especially with the new dailies and cloak grind potentially taking more time than anyone can spare.

thank you for your input :slight_smile: hopefully we can get more opinions on this the developers can at least add it to the search between levels 1 to 25

Favorite pets on the AH don’t save. Can’t limit search to those you haven’t already collected (unless you have 3 of a pet…). I’m not happy with the new AH as far as pets go at all.


And that is beyond stupid we can’t do that now with new AH…I don’t need 3 of every pet I have I would have no bloody room in the stable for all of them…


It doesn’t even filter out that. I see tons of pets I have 3/3 of (and 1/1 like Emmigosa) still listed with Uncollected checked. It is way broken currently.

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Playing with the new Auction House:

Filtering by Level Range quite useless for pets. This uses item level, not pet level, and all pets are item level 1.

Collected/Uncollected definitely bugged. Works on some searches, not at all on some searches, and erratically on others. Example is “whelpling”. I have 10 different cageable whelplings, all 10 show up on search with no filter but 6 still show if I have Uncollected checked.

Rarity isn’t reliable either. If you look at details for a particular pet, the list is sorted by price. Guessing here about how Rarity search works, looks like program checks that list and rarity of whole list is determined by first time the highest-level pet is found. If that pet is 25 Uncommon, even if followed by pricier 25 Rares, won’t show on a Rare search.

Not sure if Blizzard will put much effort into fixing these glitches. You’ve noticed that anyone who’s into pets uses add-ons instead of the native Pet Journal. Do have to recognize that there was an attempt made in the new AH interface to add pet-related features. Unfortunate that they don’t work right.

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Good news I think, this finally seems fixed.