Auction house changes, yay or nah?

Tewa! What the heck man? Always thought you were one of the decent level headed folks around here and yet here you are calling others that use an intended feature of the game leeches?

Not really discussion at that point my friend, that’s just being rude.

Tell you what. I’ll get off my high horse once you move out of your ivory tower.

So to all those that are not using TSM and are hitting the limit thus slowing them down is your answer to them to uninstall the game? Also we don’t like the way you play your game either, so please uninstall all your addons like DBM. This is coming from someone who doesn’t even “play” the AH. Just want to post from time to time.

Well for you, but how many times I’ve right clicked an item… and the price was a gold, or silver for an item that is worth a hundred gold, or 100 thousand gold.

TSM IMO does what the Blizz UI lacks. That’s not a Goblin issue, that’s Blizzard needing to wake up.

I bet you are also against people using easy scrapper for the scrapper. Or are we picking and choosing our fights.

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No, I’m just saying I only sell stuff like my mats and the buff item from the mission tables. I don’t do the transmog collecting. So really the basic AH is good for me. If not for you, then that’s fine. I’m not fighting with anyone and neither should you. /peace

Your right, we should not forget what TUJ/TSM actually bring, which would otherwise be very difficult: Determine an average market price across the entire region to list an item, since here too rarity actually leads to a price and supply and demand work that way as elsewhere…

Then leave out the ‘automated’ part 'cause that’s a dangerous logic to have that applies to a high percentage of the game that is littered with addons.

I don’t condone botting, this hotfix isn’t to combat botting. It’s literally them making a new AH… having issues server side… and throwing the first fix that ion and his merry men come up with.

Torghast was the same thing with Torments, master loot, etc… This group never fails to deliver /s

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Cause and effect. Blizz states the long boi is leaving at the end of this expansion and cost 5 mil gold and what happens? People start gold making and break the auction house. Blizz then adds a new speed bump, which makes everyone angry. Here’s my solution, add the long boi permanently to negate some of the gold makers causing havoc on the server load. But it may be to late Pandora’s box is open now.

It really is. They had a huge influx of ‘‘gold makers’’ that with how the new AH functions is causing them issues since people are now offloading all of their stock.

Man I miss pretty stacking.

For people who actually produce things and then sell into slow markets, the solution is not to let people do faster posting. The solution is to permit longer auctions. Let people pay 7x as much to post for a week instead of a day.

Then you only have to relist 1/7 of your mogs or whatever each day, and it’s 3 minutes instead of 20 minutes.


Okay, so my toon that I normally post auctions from has 98 items that I’m currently putting up regularly for sale. As I said before, I really don’t consider myself a power user at all.

I’ve read that the APM is currently set to 80? I’m not sure if that is correct or not, but after scanning to post and being throttled it would seem to me that is more or less correct.

So, in order for me to be happy I would say it needs to be increased to 200APM, that’s enough for me to scan what little I want to put up, and to post it and be on my merry way.

However, it wasn’t too awful to have to wait another minute for my budget to replenish.

Max of 20 auctions at a time per retainer. Max of 2 retainers.

No addons to scan prices.

Search all item prices individually.

Set all item prices manually.

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Imagine thinking “the economy” is the tens of millions of useless mog items that have such a low turn-over rate glutting up the AH because Blizzard simply haven’t made listing BS punishing enough.

No. The economy is herbs, the economy is leather, the economy is pots, the economy is flasks, the economy is enchanting mats. Not the BS people list hundreds of times without selling. Take a reality check bro.


Hahahahaha. God, I needed that laugh. Cheers dude.

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There are about 108 crafting materials in BfA. The current rate limit is 80 actions/min. You can hit the throttle doing nothing but posting current trade goods.

Tell that to the 35 mill gold I’ve made this xpac from transmog. Oh, and the cutting edge carry I bought last night ^.^

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man people are still going on about this? funny how many people who never bothered playing the AH think their opinion is worth while, sorry you do nothing but benefit from us who scan and post auctions, there is no reason we can’t just scan and quickly post mats/transmog/etc. now that we won’t be able to in a timely manner you’re going to see prices skyrocket and selection cut and what little selection does exist for old mats/transmog you’re going to be paying out the butt for. this is like people crying about production going automated in real life, sure you cry and complain it’s not done the old fashioned way like a boomer but you gladly reap the benefits of the automated AH.

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I have 5 retainers, you just pay for them.

And listing is actually really simple, you can even search sales history right from the sell page.

Well said.

So using the second account, what I have found is I hit the throttle cap when posting, but after that as long as I cancel scan once every hour or so after that I don’t hit the cap.

I am actually cancel scanning more now than before the change to stay in the AH game. If I wait too long between cancel scans then there are too many cancels to repost without hitting the cap.

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