Auction house changes, yay or nah?

It’s a throttle that affects both TSM users and regular AH users. So, it would seem TSM isn’t where they have an issue.

Lol, what a ridiculous ‘solution’.

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So it doesn’t input the price, etc.?

It does exactly what the default UI does when it scans an item. It undercuts or posts at same price depending on what you choose.

The base auction house inputs the price, try it yourself, it’ll auto set the price to the lowest available. (which most people do now anyway, there is zero reason to undercut)

It does exactly what the AH does right now if you’re not using an addon. The AH picks a price for you. So does TSM. You still have to make a click to sell each item.

Crazy that they have let the bots farm all the nodes in Naz for so long too, but let’s not forget that Blizz caused this issue with the AH with the Long Boi, so many trying to get it that the AH system is now breaking, but the Naz bots are still doing their thing?

I mean if you’re going to draw a line in the sand at least be consistent.

A cash grab by Blizz has backfired, now they are scrambling to fix the issue it has caused.

AH botting? You mean checking undercuts? I was doing that with auctionator 14 years ago, yet all of a sudden now we’re seeing outrage?

How do you explain that?

Yeah nothing to do with the Long Boi right?

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The majority of mogs that get posted are not in any way rare, and were often posted well in excess of actual rare drops before this change.

Then you don’t need TSM. Uninstall it.

Some fun numbers:

There’s currently about 108 CURRENT trade goods in the game that aren’t bought by a vendor that are used by crafting professions.

As it stands, simply posting 1 of each trade good will result in you hitting the 80/min throttle.

Is the argument really that we can’t be allowed to efficiently post trade goods that the game intends to be sold?

To reiterate my previous post, I’m all for breaking constant cancel-scanning or sniping if those are the issues, but this “fix” also breaks simply selling current expansion trade goods in the way that has worked for the past 15 years with no problems.

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No. The USER defines the price.

You need to learn how TSM actually works before criticizing it or making insane comments about it being anything remotely similar to “botting”.


HeY GuYs It’S CoOl LeT’S JuSt RemOve ThE eCoNOMY

Okay, cool. Then since you can look at cooldowns and timers just fine on your own, you don’t need Weakauras. Uninstall it.


If Blizzard throttles weakauras, I might! :rofl:

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Honestly, if blizzards own UI allowed us to queue up things to sell, TSM/other AH addons wouldn’t be needed as much.


Could there be a plan to merge servers and AHs since they rarely do things in the long run without a specific strategy?

My god, you’re obtuse. From how zealous about this you are, I’m just guessing you’re jealous from lack of gold and don’t want to put the effort to learn to play the game from a gold makers perspective

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Wait wait wait wait wait. You guys said that TSM doesn’t do anything the UI can’t do.

Which is it?

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Very true.

I agree with this 100% Sadly, it seems that for this problem, they’re choosing to use a wrecking ball to hammer a nail. -_-