[A][Turalyon] <Chaotic Neutral> - 8/8N & 7/8H Palace! - Tues/Weds 7:30-10:30 EST | LF DH/Dru/Rog/Evo DPS!

Late night bump!

Up for more!

Looking for Shadow Priests & Rogues!

Up this goes!

Looking for more!

Bumping up!

Looking for more DPS!

Looking for more!

buckle in, we’re going up

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Up for Rogues & Shadow Priests!

Bumping up!

Up this goes!

Up this goes!

bouncy bouncy

Always looking for more, Spriests and Rogues would be neeto though.

Bumping up!

Bumping up!

Up for more!

Bumping up!

Up for more!