[A][Turalyon] <Chaotic Neutral> - 8/8N & 7/8H Palace! - Tues/Weds 7:30-10:30 EST | LF DH/Dru/Rog/Evo DPS!

Looking for more!

10/10H Fated SoD all done! If only Denathrius didn’t evade us due to lag…

Bumping up!

Looking for more!

Now looking for a tank!

oh no :frowning: Hopefully you get one soon

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I have been out of game for 6 months and am looking for a home, hit me up and I will be happy to interview!

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Add the btag listed or fill in our app and I’d be happy to get back with you about a spot! :slightly_smiling_face:

Bumping up!

Definitely interested in headed off to bed for the night but I will contact you tomorrow I added you on Btag-Healz4days

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Bumping up!

Up this goes!

Bumping up!

Need one healer!

Early morning bump!

Morning friendo!

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Bumping up!

Bumping up!

Our spots are now considered full but if you are still interested to get in touch anyway, feel free to hit us up! :slightly_smiling_face:

We made it to 9/11H tonight with nobody needing to get benched for bosses, our main problem was just patch day lag.

We are re-opening our one healer spot for any healer interested!