Attunement to phase II to stop higher level bots

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Bots are soloing SM, You think they can’t bug under the floor and kill some bosses in a raid

You made the you tubes with this post.

The bots are straight up using hacks.

I doubt an attunement will stop them.

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Absolutely convinced this is factual at this point.

Tubular bruh :sunglasses:

Nothing hingers bots, they dont have emotions to care about the “extra” stuff.

Why do they have to walk around in the game anyways, why not just hack in some gold?

Right now there’s no hard incentive.

They are literally hacking inside dungeons and flying through walls
 they will just fly in bfd and get it done
 leaving actual player alts stuck because they cant get a group for it. Unless
they buy gold
then buy carries

Adding tokens to classic is just replacing one card swipe for another. Classic was never designed to have people buying gold in any form which is why consumes are far more powerful and expensive than in retail. Future expansions had to be designed to accommodate tokens (and look how they all turned out).

Gold buying has been nothing but a problem for classic and giving people a ban-free way of doing it isn’t going to improve the game. Gold buying causes gold inflation and tokens would drive prices up even higher - punishing those people who still play the game properly. If you want retail game design ideas like tokens, play retail. RMT shouldn’t be embedded into the game and made legal just because some people are doing it.

Just permanently ban gold buyers.

Problem solved. Just like that.


But still add attunements?

I think just banning gold buyers for good will solve all problems.

One hundred!

It should be very easy to see people who bought gold. Unexplainable wealth should be easy to track.
When caught move em to a realm with the other gold buyers.
While you’re at it. Track the accounts that are on 24/7 and move them over too.

Could also try release the token for undisclosed amount of time like 1 month.
Make it cheaper than farmers sell it for.
Then when all the bots leave because they no longer make sales. Take the token away.
Get everyone who bought gold in that month and move them to the buyers island.

Bots come back? Do it again lol
Get the bots sub money and then take the income off them lol

Or remove gold from the game. make trades and services done through guilds. Training and mounts etc are free.

I agree with that post, after the token change in retail recently. Most bots used WoW tokens to fund game time for all of their accounts. Now that it’s changed they are likely back to their old tricks.

Will attunement fix botting? yes.

Should blizzard implement attunement even if there is no evidence that it would solve botting? Also yes.

boy, some of u are in for a rude awakening come lvl 60

What if after each phase you can just pay to be max level? Attunements? Phased out. Raiding right into your veins!!